Bootleg Zones: Gun Man
When Galaxy Warriors and Heroes get chopped in half and stuck onto a water gun you get Gun Man!

When Galaxy Warriors and Heroes get chopped in half and stuck onto a water gun you get Gun Man!
When the Galaxy Hole takes on TMNT you get the Turly Gang! Amazing figures that not only knock of Ninja Turtles but He-Man as well plus they are some of the most colourful Galaxy Warriors!
The Galaxy Hole expands to redress Galaxy Warriors as Sectaurs knock offs in Lord of Insects!
Time to go deeper into Galaxy Heroes with their 2nd main mold type which did a lot of the Galaxy Warriors in different way.
One of Sungold’s own reworking of their Galaxy Warriors molds into Wrestling figures! It’s the Galaxy Wrestlers!
For the 50th Bootleg Zones lets return to the Turtles Fighters but ones with a different mold, stranger heads and colours!
The next drop in the Galaxy hole is a big one. The Galaxy Heroes are really poor copies of the Galaxy Warriors and Fighters with a few new characters and redesigns.
The Galaxy Fighters beasts had a couple pretty interesting things like a Pegasaurus but that wasn’t as rare as a Horse! Speaking of rare I also got that darn Robic.
The next Galaxy line in the back hole of the Galaxy Warriors universe. Sewco’s Galaxy Fighters, which included some warriors for complication’s sake.
The Fearful Beasts from the Planet Ferror gave the Galaxy Warriors something to ride and like everything in this series opened up more questions. This also leads to the 2 outcast figures from Swords & Sorcerers.