The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been fused with cats from the looks of these knock offs! It’s finally time to look at some figures specifically ripping off the 2003 TMNT series!

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been fused with cats from the looks of these knock offs! It’s finally time to look at some figures specifically ripping off the 2003 TMNT series!
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It looks like Lion-O and Leonardo did the fusion dance and it didn’t end well.
Not gonna lie, if I got these as a kid I would have liked them and played with them a lot.
The elongated nose makes me think more of a dog or rodent than a cat.
The nose doesn’t come out far enough for me to think dog or rodent before cat.
Oddly enough, I watched a nature documentary about lions and leopards…and yeah, you’re right.
Housecats have a flatter face, but big cats most certainly have a nose like that.
Either way, I would have loved these as a kid, too bad the manufacture quality is so poor.
I suppose these could be a failed play by MummRa as a way to try and infiltrate the Thundercats?
Krang somehow swapped places with Third Earth and got confused and started trying to take out the mutants?
I feel like these are how I imagine Adult Ninja Mutant Turtles to be like.