Perseus was Dingo’s 1st actually animated movie and it seems one they wanted to forget because the only found release of it is on an Italian DVD! Yes, this is the movie DINGO PICTURES wasn’t proud of…

Perseus was Dingo’s 1st actually animated movie and it seems one they wanted to forget because the only found release of it is on an Italian DVD! Yes, this is the movie DINGO PICTURES wasn’t proud of…
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2:06 The Flight of Dragons called. Lo Tae Zhao wants his wizard suit back.
Perseus also had a boyfriend named Hermes. I guess he really got around.
Lol, I too thought she looked like Blonde Ariel.
No one will understand that NPC Meme reference a year from now. It’s all about Orcs & Rudolph now.
The owl must have cast the spell.
::Pulls cord:: “That snake says RRRRAAAAWR!”
Hmmm… Antihero, fluffy black hair, gets around on wings, kills demons & humans indiscriminately… Might be a Devilman.
Seems I was wrong… They got bored with Orcs after a week & went back to the NPC, which is apparently based on a Wojack meme from 2010. Goddamn… No meme should live longer than a year. They’re supposed to die after Pewdiepie reviews them.
Haven’t even started watching this, but seeing this here makes me happy!
I love anything set in the Greco-Roman-Egyptian antiquity, and I look forward to seeing how shitty Dingo animation will make this Jerk-ules rip off look – a proverbial Crap of the Titans?
Nice how the DVD cover has knockoff art of the Disney versions of Hercules and Megara on it.
Also, did he turn Medusa’s head into a hand puppet? What the hell?
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Exactly when did he have the time to scrape out the meaty insides? I also don;t remember anything about Medusa being a green gorilla.