• likalaruku
    Completely Useless Now
    Comments: 935

    I’m still surprised they let Shiva show that much skin in a kid’s cartoon. Even Aeon Flux had more coverage.

    When your show wants to have continuity between episodes, but can only give the illusion of it.

  • Otaku World Order
    Otaku World Order
    Prodigy Pet Gym Leader
    Comments: 124

    If I were Sonya and had to deal with Stryker being a bossy, condescending asshole, I probably wouldn’t be a team player either.

    Seriously, what is his problem? He keeps acting like he’s in charge and keeps ragging on Sonya long after she’s acknowledged her mistake and apologized. The guy has gone full Siro and then some.

    • likalaruku
      Completely Useless Now
      Comments: 935

      He’s like the guy you get in a team arena match who shouts orders like he’s the boss & berates everyone when they lose while not owning up to his own poor skills.