Checking out the now very graffitied up first Satellite Station in Canada. This place asks some serious questions like is Double Dragon II better than River City Ransom?

Checking out the now very graffitied up first Satellite Station in Canada. This place asks some serious questions like is Double Dragon II better than River City Ransom?
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Insert hilarious Allison-is-Kyna joke here.
17:15 “They’re covering a giant dick.” Yeah, gotta keep the place classy, dontchaknow.
All of that graffiti completely made this video. XD Got some pretty good tag artists in there. …And a few immature ones.
Yeah, some of the tags in this video were actually really nice. Then of course you get The Dickler and his oeuvre. Interesting how you get some people who clearly put a lot of thought and effort into their painting alongside the guys who just said, “I’m gonna put cocks everywhere, hurr hurr hurr!”
I wasn’t aware that our province had the first satellite station in Canada. I also wasn’t aware that Nova Scotia has so many abandoned places. I keep learning new things.