Burbank’s version of this story almost forgets about Quasimodo but at least there’s lots of doofy Frollo. Also Esmeralda might be a witch.

Burbank’s version of this story almost forgets about Quasimodo but at least there’s lots of doofy Frollo. Also Esmeralda might be a witch.
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I actually have Burbank’s versions of Hercules and the Three Little Pigs on DVD. I also think I have their versions of Pocahontas and Anastasia as well but I can’t find the disk.
Why on earth would Hercules hang out with the 3 Little Pigs? 💪😆🐖🐖🐖
It isn’t a crossover but one DVD with each movie being on one side of the disk.
Bummer. I thought maybe Herc wanted to practice with the big bad wolf before going against the lion.
It isn’t burbank’s version of the 3 little pigs though but some weird version made by the makers of the DVD, The Family Room.
I might have seen the 1986 version on Nickelodeon. Was it novel-accurate levels of depressing? And did the same studio also do an equally accurately depressing Cyrano?
If real Henry IV had met a hot Esmeralda, I’m not sure you would have been able to show it past all the black boxes. Dude was a player. As Mel Brooks said in portraying his descendant, it’s good to be the king.
how many Hunchback cartoons are there?
Dammit Phelous, when are you gonna review the movie we all want to see: Wabuu the Cheeky Raccoon?
In his defense, we already saw two thirds of that movie spliced into The Countryside Bears.
I mean, I want to see it too… but Phelous has to come up with enough material to make it worth doing.
Loved this review (especially the ending stinger), but I can’t help but wonder how we let Phelous become a professional Animated-Hunchback-Adaption-Reviewer before our very eyes.
There’s one animated movie I wish I could find, and I wonder if anyone could help me out here.
Okay, there’s a Hanna-Barbera version of Alice in Wonderland I saw on Boomerang once… it looked like it was made in the 70s or 80s (with HB you can’t tell), and it made Alice a modern girl.
The thing I remember most? The caterpillar was played by Fred Flintstone AND Barney Rubble–each being one end of the caterpillar, and they did a song about how Hollywood tried to separate them.
I’m sure it would make ace reviewing material.
If ur not shitting me and this cartoon is real, I will blow you out of thankfulness. In these dark times, we need cartoons like the one you describe.
Found it!
The Hanna-Barbera adaptation of Alice in Wonderland, aka, What’s A Nice Girl Like You Doing In a Place Like This? is quite real, I assure you. I saw it on TV as a kid. The Cheshire Cat was voiced by Sammy Davis Jr.
However, I don’t know if this particular would be good fodder for a Phelous review. It’s mostly typical H-B style humor and there’s nothing especially nutty about it. To be honest, it’s kind of boring. Yeah, Phelan could make a couple of jokes about how dull it is, but that wouldn’t be funny for 20 minutes or more.
I actually saw that special (it was made in 1966), but I don’t really think that Phelous could do a very entertaining review of it. It was pretty much typical Hanna-Barbera Saturday morning material with most of the jokes being based around the Wonderland characters being based on celebrities. The specials that Phelan covers are unintentionally funny because of how poorly made they are, but this special is of no lower quality than anything that H-B was churning out at the time. There wouldn’t be much for him to work with.
Oh, I just found ANOTHER thing, this one more on-topic.
I was at a charity store and one of the things they had (two copies of, in fact) was a still-sealed DVD set of a cartoon series called…. THE MAGICAL ADVENTURES OF QUASIMODO.
Yes, there’s a freaking Hunchback ANIMATED SERIES. Apparently 20+ episodes long. I bought one of the set but have not watched it yet. There’s surprisingly a bit of info on it online, including a TV Tropes page and a Wikipedia article.
Just the fact that there’s apparently an episode about the Knights Templar (which sadly probably isn’t a Broken Sword crossover) blows my mind.
What do you expect? It’s from Mondo TV! They are the same guys who were responsible for making Tentacolino and we all know how insane it was………
So I watched the 86 version and… kinda enjoyed its creepy atmosphere, amazingly.