Rasputin attacks with his cartoon bombs making Anastasia lose her mind and decided to live with an old weirdo, until, Anastasia from the Bluth movie shows up in male form.

Rasputin attacks with his cartoon bombs making Anastasia lose her mind and decided to live with an old weirdo, until, Anastasia from the Bluth movie shows up in male form.
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They told Phelous to review Dingo pictures Anastasia and he actually did it, the absolute madman, haha!
I prefer to think that the reason that Dingo Pictures Rasputin isn’t the Tsar is quite simple- Golden Films Rasputin is! It is the original Cinematic Universe!
Wait, Rasputin was talking with some old witch and calling her “Бабушка”? Was that seriously supposed to be Baba Yaga?
Baba Yaga – a fictional character from our fairy-tales helped Rasputin in killing the Tsar’s family and got away with this? Is that what you imply Dingo? Just wow.
Also, while there are many interpretations for Baba Yaga, most famous one shows her as an evil witch who kidnaps babies and eats them…
And Dingo pictures decided to make her a character for their “movie”. Why???
If I had to guess, I’d say that Babushka there is supposed to be Baba Yaga combined with a female Leshy (leshachikha), a tree spirit. But that would probably be giving Dingo too much credit for research.
Also, I mean, a store that just says “VODKA” outside isn’t unrealistic, I say as I look out the window at the store that just says “BEER” right next door…
Hmmm…Could be a Leshy & Baba Yaga are both Slavic folklore, & Anasiatia, with her pigtails, looks a bit like Vasilisa.
I’d like to think myself that she is related to the Blood Bush.
Still a better animated movie based on a real story than Bolivar El Heroe
Bolivar? As in Simon Bolivar, the South American revolutionary?
How the hell would you make an animated movie about that?!
Yes, and it’s on YouTube if you would like to watch it:
For those who haven’t seen it, Bolivar El Heroe is some Colombian anime rip-off from 2003 about Simon Bolivar and you have to witness it’s horribleness to understand why it’s the 3rd worst movie of all time (in my humble opinion). Also, it is all in Spanish.
Note: Ever since the movie was found in late 2015, it has become sort of a meme for Spanish-speaking internet users. XD
Oh god, that art style…I can’t stop laughing. The main character looks like CD-i Link with black hair..I mean brown hair…I mean purple hair…I mean lime hair…Goddamit. Wait, are these supposed to be different characters or is his hair just changing color?
They are supposed to be different characters.
The main character (Simon Bolivar) has purple hair in this abysmal anime wannabe. The orange haired evil looking one is called Tryantico (I think).
Only anime worth watching
I get your joke but Bolivar El Heroe isn’t an anime worth watching at all.
Given how massively overrated most anime is (and how rabid anime fans can be), I’m not going to argue this. I mean, Cowboy Bebop is good, but it’s got nothing compared to the beautiful animation I was just exposed to. Viva Bolivar El Heroe!
Bolivar El Heroe (AKA. Bolivar the Hero) looks like if the people who made the Zelda CD-i games and Dingo Pictures tried work together to make their own anime but failed miserably in all aspects.
Anime + Dingo Pictures/Zelda CD-i quality animation + Simon Bolivar = Bolivar El Heroe
*tried to work together
I have never liked the term “anime” myself. It encompasses every piece of animation that comes out of Japan (and other asian countries at random intervals), countless art styles and with more than a hundred works coming out of the country each year it’s confusing and absurd to generalize. I tend to judge every work on their own merits for this reason.
I tend to not like giant lumps of things, especially when the lumps include both turds and gold.
In Japan, anime is just their own word for any different kind of animation (even including American cartoons like Tom and Jerry) but I personally stick with calling any animation made in/for Japan anime.
My Favorite Cartoon: Tom and Jerry
My Favorite Anime: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
He MUST review this.
Why is Not Bluth-astasia always doing the Devil Horns? I didn’t know Dio was that popular in Russia.
“You thought I was the real Anastasia but it was I, a random man!”
Or probably he was trying to do the Nico-nico ni (Nico Yazawa’s signature pose/catchphrase from Love Live! School Idol Project) without the Communist Party noticing.
After giving us a bunch of Anastasia movies for the past month, we FINALLY get the good one!
Excuse me, but wouldn’t the Old Man prefer the Good Times productions? Now this post is completely useless!
I love the fact, that Dingo somehow keeps being the most incompetent even among other incompetent filmmakers. Even when you think that the tuba-tsar and the Rasputing leading the Revolution are the limit – here comes the Dingo! (Oh, and the fact that according to Dingo tsar ruled from Moscow is just an icing on the Dingo-cake. Petrograd (Saint Petersburg) was the capital until 1918). I bet we will see Goblinface Rasputin in other Dingo movies. They won’t let such a design go to waste. My bet – the villian in Dingo Alladin, or Dingo Prince of Egypt
I think Rasputin (or Raspoutine according to male Anastasia, which incidentally is the French spelling of his name) meant Baba Yaga when calling for Babuska, unless Baba Yaga really is his grandmother. More than likely Dingo Pictures didn’t read up on their Russian folklore and thought one meant the other.
I wasn’t sure if it was necessary when you commented that you’re not taking shots at trans people when talking about Anastasia-man, but then again, the way people have such knee jerk reactions these days, I guess it’s better to be safe than sorry. Also, liked that shot at Tumblr where those people would most likely congregate.
I don’t get why these knockoff versions have Rasputin as the main villain. Are they not allowed to depict Vladimir Lenin, the real revolutionary leader? Or would they be worried people would get offended if they were more historically accurate and accuse them of taking a political side? Also, I’m pretty sure the revolutionary movement consisted of more people than just a butler, a chef, and a fat guy sitting on a stool. Then again, I could be wrong. Dingo might be actually accurate with that one. Just like with the bomb blowing up the entire palace, but then only blowing up Rasputin at the end.
Also, I’m not sure, but I think Rasputin called the French border patrol “dicks” during his grumbling after they arrested him.
I honestly don’t know how you make it through these things. Sometimes even watching a clip of this garbage is a chore. The only way I can find any merit in watching this stuff is with a group of friends and lots of alcohol.
I mean, yeah, the Bluth version had Rasputin as the main villain, but in that one he’s a sorcerer who swore vengeance on the Russian royal family and used his magic to influence the Revolution. He didn’t lead it. Also, I haven’t seen the movie in a while, but I’m pretty sure it was made apparent that he was a living corpse at that point, only staying alive through dark magic. Something these other movies apparently failed to take into account. They probably just saw that he was the villain of the Bluth movie, and gave him that role in theirs.
I was thinking the same thing about how he probably didn’t need to use the disclaimer either (I’m trans, didn’t think he was talking about trans people) but knowing how people are these days…
If I did say that I’m sure someone would have tried to put words in my mouth. People were on about the male cow in the Janis pig one…
It does exist, Grod help us all…
Oh shit… The opening having the same voice actress just have a long conversation with herself because she’s doing all the voices cracked me up so much that I just woke up everyone in the house.
Rasputin is kinda looking like Disney’s Jaffar here. Uuuh….Maybe some nice Youtube Hero will subtitle him. I can’t be the only one who can’t understand a thing he says.
“Her name is Sascha.” Isn’t that a boy’s name in Russia?
Rasputin: “Enchanted witch mirror. Am I the fairest in all of Russia?” Witch: “So long as Snowstasia lives, you shall never be the fairest.”
“What the damned hell is that?” I think it’s one of those Chilly Down monsters from Jim Henson’s Labyrinth.
Anastasia: She’ll comb her hair IF she’s wearing pigtails, but if she isn’t, then she ain’t combin’ it.
Truly this is some of Dingo’s FINEST voice acting, choice, grade A, top notch.
20:17 am I imagining things or the movie itself has a joke that works, and with no random characters laughing? That’s unusual for Dingo, to say the least.
I can’t help but notice the shades of Paige shown by Blondastasia at certain points. Especially when she learns Rasputin wants to kill her: “Boris! Do something!”
Weak female characters I guess
Yes, out of everything, the film’s gender politics is the problem here.
I was thinking that too, I think we found Paige’s mother.
Jebus fuck that Rasputin design is creepy
This was fantastic in all the wrong ways. Great review as always.
But I must ask: Are you going to review every other Dingo Pictures movie before Animal Soccer World? GIVE US WHAT WE WANT!
Dude, you always save the best for last. He’s got to do all the other stuff in the Dingo Filmography first.
I agree with Brother_Malachai, ASW should be the culmination of Dingohole reviews, a proper ending to this madness.
Of course, Dingo had to ruin this film too. :-/
First Hunchback of Notre Dame, then Pocahontas, and now Anastasia? What’s next a Dingo Pictures version of Sengoku Basara? I would imagine Wabuu being the blue samurai (was his name Date Matsune or Matasune? I can’t spell it).
Thanks, now I know I’m not the only one in the comments section of this website who has at least heard of the Sengoku Basara series.
Is it just me or does Anastasia in this movie look a bit like Eli Ayase (who coincidentally happens to be half-Russian) from the Love Live! franchise without her ponytail/hairband? Where’s Nozomi Tojo when you need her?