We get a NEW explanation for why the T-Virus was created and a NEW reason for why Alice is the best person to ever exist. But we completely forgot the continuity AGAIN! Is this REALLY the Final Chapter? We can only hope.

We get a NEW explanation for why the T-Virus was created and a NEW reason for why Alice is the best person to ever exist. But we completely forgot the continuity AGAIN! Is this REALLY the Final Chapter? We can only hope.
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It’s Resident Evil: The Final Chapter…until we get Resident Evil: A New Beginning.
Yeah, this is exactly what I suspect/fear.
Hey, this angle looks familiar ‘-)
Phidnight Screeninlous! …don’t look at me like that, he is the one who just brought back PhelousD1 for the Secret of Anna Stacy.
Anyway, I just checked the Box Office page and this movie doesn’t seem to be doing particularly good, so maybe the studios will take a hint and reboot entirely, with no connection to Alice in Cloneland.
Regarding Isaacs, in the novelizations for the films, he is Sam Isaacs. In the third movie, he is J. Isaacs according to a computer screen. Now suddenly he’s Alexander Isaacs. Couldn’t these bozos stick with one name for him?