Join Phelan, Allison and Brad (with Extra help from Julien and Lewis) as they blow takes and laugh a bunch while making the Puss N’ Boots review!

Join Phelan, Allison and Brad (with Extra help from Julien and Lewis) as they blow takes and laugh a bunch while making the Puss N’ Boots review!
6 Comments Comments RSS
Aww poor Ash. I love that she’s not having any of it. JULIEN, I MISS YOU!
What kind of review is this, anyway? All you guys do is screw up a bunch of times! Get it together, people!
After Jesus Bro any plans for another crossover review?
Maybe make Allison and Brad suffer through a Dingo review. XD
Animal Soccer World would be a wonderful thing to make Brad suffer through.
Now THIS is how you do a blooper show!
This was a fun blast from the past! Any reason it’s coming out so long after the original video?
I’m not mad, just curious.
Hmm. Odd. I could have sworn you had posted these. Guess it’s a good thing you still had them saved on your computer.
You guys always look like you have loads of fun when you do these crossovers. Here’s to many more.