Bootleg Zones: Terror Toad (TMNT KO)

The Terror Toad doesn’t know if it’s a Toad or a Frog but by all appearances it’s from the same people that made Ninja Hero Rider! So get ready for another Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles knock off that changes their animal.


  • Spike
    I'm on a post!
    Comments: 241

    Hahahaha, what?! X’D

    The fun loving frog on a skateboard. Just… just wow. That’s amazing. As if the Ninja Hero Rider wasn’t amazing enough, in comes a new challenger.

    Loved this review, Phelous. I eagerly anticipate your next bizarre, hilarious Bootleg Zones 😛

  • The Mellow Filmmaker
    Comments: 10

    I hate to be pedantic, but while people usually associate frogs and toads to be different, all toads are actually frogs. Not frogs are toads, but all toads are frogs. It’s kind of confusing I admit.



  • Dunes
    Robert Cop
    Comments: 188

    AT least they let you see the toad inside. This one seems to have a better facial expression.

  • Alex C.
    Alex C.
    Comments: 151

    Come on, Phelan, take it outside or into a well-ventilated area, bring a fire extinguisher, and let that baby purr!

  • Lermont
    Bat Hero
    Comments: 91

    How exactly is Terror Toad a 6/10 replacement? I’m assuming you’re evaluating their ability to replace TMNT figures, so who the hell is going to mistake them for one of the turtles? The toys from the line will have a much easier time posing as Battletoads or the aforementioned Punk Frogs even though their designs differ quite a bit.

    Also I love that “non-toxic paint” bullet-point on the Galaxy Fighters figure. It’s hilarious how they’re treating it like it’s a special feature: “We could have poisoned you, but we decided not to!”.

    • Phelous
      Comments: 625

      Because, besides the stupid overheating skateboard, the figure itself is just above average for being able to be used for A TMNT type figure. Obviously in this case it wouldn’t be one of the turtles themselves but it could still be used as a replacement other character, that’s why it gets that score.

      • Lermont
        Bat Hero
        Comments: 91

        Speaking of those overheating batteries, how dangerous do you think that is? Will it just break the motor and melt the skateboard or will it actually cause an explosion of some sort (if you take in account older batteries as well)? Because you did mention that it got quite the international release. I think it would have been in the news if some kids got hurt playing with this thing, just think of the headlines: “Terrifying Terror Toad: kid nearly croaks playing with frog figurine!”.

        • Phelous
          Comments: 625

          The batteries used were new and overheated them to the point that I couldn’t touch them so I think they would have burst if it ran much longer.

          • Isolder74
            Just might make the CUT
            Comments: 57

            So it’s obviously using a very cheap motor with some very poor quality control.  It also has no way of cooling the motor which is probably why the batteries got so hot.  If the motor doesn’t cool well that heat can be transmitted through the wiring.

            And I thought the horse looked dangerous!

  • likalaruku
    Completely Useless Now
    Comments: 935

    Why is the pirate toad wearing women’s lingerie? I used to wonder the same thing about SPAWN in the 90s.

    Froad? Toag?

    Heats up like a cheap cell phone.

    “He’s my brother. Dun dun duuuuuun.”

    There’s one more you can add to your collection. It’s called “Ninja Frog. Very different mould for the head & limbs, similar box art & skateboard to this one, but it has a gladiator cuirass & a more Ninja Turtle-like head with bandanna.


    • OrangeRider
      Memeforce Zwei
      Comments: 455

      The skateboard sure had its “Hot Limit”! No wonder why Terror Toad is wearing some sort revealing lingerie thing like a certain J-pop star! Get the joke?

    • the_desert
      Bat Hero
      Comments: 93

      Terror Toads can wear what they want as long as it makes them happy. They are expressing who they are and it’s not up to us to enforce gender stereotypes. I support their choices and those of 90s SPAWN.

  • the_desert
    Bat Hero
    Comments: 93

    I tried to find the location of this company in Taipei but it didn’t seem that the street existed. If there was a Chinese address it would be easier because using pinyin is messy.

    • OrangeRider
      Memeforce Zwei
      Comments: 455

      Is your avatar from The Martian or some other sci-fi movie?

      • Isolder74
        Just might make the CUT
        Comments: 57

        2001, A space Odyssey.

        • the_desert
          Bat Hero
          Comments: 93

          Yes, it is Dave from 2001 when he is deactivating HAL 9000.

          I hope Phelous does more reviews of Taiwanese knockoffs because I live in a suburb of Taipei. It would be interesting to visit one of their manufacturing facilities. However, most of the large manufacturing areas in Taipei are not accessible by subway.

          • Brother_Malachai
            Captain Sillypants
            Comments: 290

            Cool, I went to the Funtastic Office for imports in Houston, Tx.  They might have recieved some of your toys.  Alas, they wouldn’t let me in to take a tour.  🙁

          • OrangeRider
            Memeforce Zwei
            Comments: 455

            I live in the same state in the U.S. that Greenbrier International Inc are located in (Virginia).

            For those who don’t know, Greenbrier International Inc are a company that specializes in cheap stuff for dollar stores and other places just like Funtastic and I’m not joking about them being located somewhere in VA:


            Funtastic also has a HQ in the U.K. It explains why Ashens keeps buying stuff from them.