• Ultratech94
    End Of Transmission
    Comments: 381

    I think the only time I really cared about Pokemon cards was when I went and saw the original 2 Pokemon films. I remember seeing the 1st movie on opening day being first in line and obtaining the Mewtwo card. upon seeing the 2nd movie, I was able to get the Ancient Mew card when they were giving them away within the first couple of weeks. what I did care about more was the Tomy toys. one of them I thought was the coolest (and unofficial which btw would be a great request for a Bootleg Zones episode) is Armored Mewtwo. which you can find either on ebay every now & then or a couple of other websites that I’ve found them on.

  • AleksMTE
    Old Man
    Comments: 4

    Great collection there, man 🙂

    BTW, Impostor Oak already happened in the Anime (Though it was James)

  • dombi18
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    I know it’s off topic, but I’m still expecting a Resident Evil Revelations 2 review from you Phelous. The main character is Barry Burton and I’m interested in your opinion. So be so kind and review it! Thanks!

    • Phelous
      Comments: 625

      I don’t have a system to play that game yet so I can’t really do that very soon. I really want to play it because of Barry though, of course.

      • dombi18
        Old Man
        Comments: 2

        I think you’ll like it. It’s getting closer to be a real Resident Evil game! Bit silly, but self-conchencely and self-referential in a good way. Hope you’ll get a gaming system to play it as soon as possible!

        • Ultratech94
          End Of Transmission
          Comments: 381

          I hope he does so he can not only play the new Resident Evil game, but also Mortal Kombat X. I wont be able to play MKX or KI3 Seasons 1 & 2 until June.

  • WinterDeathPeach
    Just might make the CUT
    Comments: 41

    While I still own some old Pokemon cards(that or my sister has them for some strange reason) I was never into them as much as I was with YuGiOh cards, still remember my stupidest mistake with those, trading a holofold Gate Guardian for 13 semi-common cards you fucking idiot I’ll kill you!!!…wait I can’t do that. No I blame my lack of interest in collecting Pokemon cards based on the fact I for several years I grew up in place 2 hours from any store I could get any Pokemon cards. Also speaking of Pokemon cards they were actually banned in the school in my hometown because some dumbass actually went to another classroom during class to trade with someone else….how someone can be so stupid I’ll never know.

    • crazy_canuk
      Comments: 6

      I did something similar with my holofoil Machamp. A ‘friend’ convinced me to trade it for his Gengar because, he reasoned, since Machamp is weak to ghost type Gengar could defeat him in one hit. So it was a fair trade right!

      … I was kinda stupid back then.

  • Trixie_is_best
    Bat Hero
    Comments: 83

    Cant wait for you to do the bootleg version of Pokemon cards, that will be fun. I grew up with Pokemon cards and games to, still have my original Gameboy games and gave cards away to nephews. I do like the older artwork of the originals and just what they could have said pokemon be doing or illustrated in a unique way. Not to mention, I think Pokemon was my real major start into anime to.

    • HazardPunk
      Comments: 7

      Yeah, I always enjoyed the original artwork too, and some of the concept ideas found in some artwork were really interesting that I wish they could put into the game.

      • Trixie_is_best
        Bat Hero
        Comments: 83

        I know, that would both be fun to translate into the show and game. I am still playing Pokemon now as in the most recent games, but still love the classics.

  • crazy_canuk
    Comments: 6

    Wait, so the original run DIDN’T have all 151? NO WONDER I never could collect them all!

    Whatever, I still love the ones I’ve got! Should go through them one of these days, see how many I DID get, and if any are worth something now.

  • Relaxo
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 23

    Do did nobody ever steal your Pokémon cards at the time?

    Seems they never stopped growing legs when I was a kid.

    • Phelous
      Comments: 625

      Nah, I could trust most of my friends and I didn’t really take them around a lot so there wasn’t a lot of chance for randos to nab em.

  • Ottomic
    Comments: 19

    I never had the money to get my parents to buy me any sort of CCG whatsoever (tried with MTG and they just laughed at the price of a random booster) but I did play the hell out of the Game Boy version. It’s pretty funny to see how close they reproduced the actual trading card art for the game, and it shows how having an actual single player experience on a videogame won’t completely kill the physical trading card, despite whatever phobia Wizards have been experiencing regarding Magic since forever.

  • likalaruku
    Completely Useless Now
    Comments: 935

    Pokemon cards were all the rage when I was in highschool. I remember going through Paul’s collection & hating how inconsistent the art quality & designs were (Semirealistic, CGI, hand-drawn, anime screencap, detailed background, solid background, foil holo background).

    Jigglypuff was always my favorite because she was “supah kawaii” & almost never failed to put an enemy to sleep in Fire Red.

    Holofoil cards & stickers (in general) sure were popular back in the 80s & 90s, ALL of the 90s. & then there were the pogs. There were Pokemon pogs too.

  • Bobmaster
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    Well this was nice to see. My collection of Pokemon card are some where in my house. If I remember right, I actually got all 151 of the gen 1. Also got some gen 2, but not all of those. That when I stop collecting of them.

    Also: http://www.serebii.net/Shiny/DP/043.png

    • likalaruku
      Completely Useless Now
      Comments: 935

      I don’t know a single person who can claim to have caught all the Pokecards. In hindsight, it seems like a great thing to do when you hit retirement age. & not only can you collect them, but actually play them, which is why I really should suggest this to the local senior center.

    • Phelous
      Comments: 625

      Hah, I didn’t realize that was so close to Oddish’s shiny colour. It’s interesting as that card was still pre Gen2 so shiny wasn’t a thing quite yet.

  • HazardPunk
    Comments: 7

    Oh man, I don’t think we well EVER get a boom as big as Pokemon was back in the late 90’s, which is crazy if you think about it, just a game about collecting creatures blew up into the biggest fad I was ever apart of.

    Being a kid at the time of course I was heavily into Pokemon and had the complete first set of cards and had Pokemon blue, red, yellow, silver, and gold, but after the end of the first generation I lose interest in Pokemon and got oppressed with crappy animes on 4kids. (Which I could say Pokemon was already a crappy anime in the first place sooo..)

    • OrangeRider
      Memeforce Zwei
      Comments: 455

      Well, the main series games are at least better than the anime. *cough* *cough* Ash *cough* *cough*  one of the worst Pokemon trainers ever in my opinion *cough* *cough*

  • ninelives
    Old Man
    Comments: 3

    hey phelous have you ever thought of making trading cards of phelous and the movies, maybe for your patrone providers if you have one. i mean i would love to have trading card of the time when you said “because their the best” Please.

  • Leech
    Comments: 65

    Nostalgia overrrkilll!!! Uhm, anyway, I’m really looking forward to the Bootleg Cards video. I remember buying some fake Pokemon Cards like an Idiot back then, and they made me cry when I finally realised what they were.

  • Dunes
    Robert Cop
    Comments: 188

    I wonder if the blue/red 3d-looking back of one of the sticker cards was an error or intentional.

  • dabeer
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    Oh wow, this sure brings back a lot of memories. When I was a kid back in the 90’s I was all about Pokemon cards; somehow I even had them before any of the games. Hell, they’re even part of the reason I got the first game in the first place; I traded 25 pages of card sleeves, none of the cards themselves, for an original gameboy and copy of Pokemon Red. Not sure anymore, but I think I too still have my collection of all the original set, and I think also at least one of each original 151 Pokemon. Of course, I’ve always been a fan of trading card games, so yeah, I’ve gone for quite a few of these fads. Oh, and next time you get ChaosD1 for a cameo or something, you should totally make him wear the Jigglypuff hat two of my friends got him at Magfest.

  • HatefulCactus
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 29

    Mew Card

    This is the card I got from the 1st movie at the theater. And like everybody, my 1st holo card was Machamp from the starter deck. Used to love collecting these cards as a kid. Though I never could figure out the rules to the card game. Neither did any of my friends. Also, Raichu was my favorite.

  • HatefulCactus
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 29

    My Apologies. I can’t seem to figure out how to post images properly.


  • Laserface
    I'm THE BEST!
    Comments: 110

    It’s payday, fellas!

  • OrangeRider
    Memeforce Zwei
    Comments: 455

    I have like over 9000 Pokemon cards in my handy-dandy Walmart/Target bag at home! I’ve been collecting them since when I was 5-6 (the time when D/P came out).