Turtles from Mexico but this time the “quality you usually get from a Mexican bootleg. Plus Krang has joined for this nightmare.

Turtles from Mexico but this time the “quality you usually get from a Mexican bootleg. Plus Krang has joined for this nightmare.
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If I was a kid who got this rip off I’d be pretty pissed… and this is coming from a kid whose mom tried passing off the Pilsbury Dough Boy as the Stay Puff Marshmellow Man. Can you imagine if they did Krangs whole body!? I wonder if the big guy robot suit would be that bubble gum pink color too.
The Krang clones seem like how a brain would look if it just got ripped out of a head, all bright and squishy. Krang’s been out of his skull for a longer time, so he looks more furrowed and leathery, and the sickly yellow glow of his jaundiced eyes has grown dim.
how do you mess something up like having the right kind of plastic for a bootleg. also what is with the punching daggers. plus how do you make a bootleg without making the easiest weapon to copy the bo-staff.
They might be the stunt doubles for the epic battles in the imagination of a particulary strange child connected to the mexican bootleg maffia …
The worse the paint job, the jaggier the plastic, the more fun.
That gardening troe like weapon is called a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katar_%28dagger%29 . Great video as always!
Clearly everyone knows Venus is the fifth turtle