The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles give up even being turtles this time to be Little Pluckies Ninja Protects! They Protects Ninja!

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles give up even being turtles this time to be Little Pluckies Ninja Protects! They Protects Ninja!
6 Comments Comments RSS
Why, it is the Anco PN-K11! You don’t know your firearms Phelous!
That artwork is really unsettling. I have never seen a cover for a toy showing death, not even large Lego or army sets with lots of soldiers.
Hilarious episode. Keep em coming.
Green & plucky, like a duck. I guess if you chop the nozzel off, you can maybe light cigarettes or insence sticks with the sparks?
I loved those spark guns as a kid :3
Seeing a pluckie ninja protects firing beams of death so happily, though….that’s disturbing.
Great video again! I like your commentary on the products and the comedy always puts a smile on my face.
Dude, I bet these sold like crazy at county fairs. I love the look on Raph’s face on the gun. How fucking kick ass would a knock off Leo sword with a button on it like the gun be? Damnit these videos make me a child.
So Shredder first taught them ninjutsu. Then the power of crappy music, then the power of karate, now its the power of guns!