• lunabuna
    Bat Hero
    Comments: 81

    By far one of my top 3 favorite Lupa reviews. 🙂 I wish there was a “favorites” function on this site for quicker access to these. Possible? Ah well. I have to stay away. These vids have Hilarity-Flu Virus!

  • joshmartyn
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 20


  • Feature_Creature
    Comments: 5

    So if we take Alfed Hitchcock’s The Birds, mix it with generic Hallmark Channel’s romance, sprinkle in a little of crumbs of cgi left over from ps1 game and top it with a contrive eco-friendly message what do we get? A movie…

  • karignisha
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 34

    The Bird’s  Hitchcock’s movie was better even if its and old movie heh.


    Great review.