I’m Gonna Play It – Mega Man Fan Game X-Travaganza
So one night during a stream, I decided to go to yoyo games and download a bunch of fan Mega Man games… here is a highlight reel of those results.

So one night during a stream, I decided to go to yoyo games and download a bunch of fan Mega Man games… here is a highlight reel of those results.
It’s time to continue the Mega Man Retrospective with a (totally unbiased review) of the third (and the best) of the Nintendo series where Dr. Wiley runs off with a peace keeping giant.
Until the next Electronic Heroes, I decided to talk about a few of the video game related toys I collected outside of video games. See what Lego-mini’s have done for the blue bomber.
Part 2 in the E-Heroes Retrospective of Mega Man, AWD! ventures into the second game starring the blue bomber. How great is it? Is it great? It might be… I dunno… Maybe…
This video has been under construction and rewritten for months on end but I finally got a chance to film and edit it. Since I initially wrote this video to be the introduction to my retrospective series, the news of Mighty No. 9 had come out and I was very excited about it. I re-wrote […]