The Wizard of Oz, Planet of the Apes, Conan, and Terminator enter the Galaxy Hole in the Combo line. Tough Rambo seems to be the head of this line and you might remember Unicorna from his appearance on TMNT 2012!

The Wizard of Oz, Planet of the Apes, Conan, and Terminator enter the Galaxy Hole in the Combo line. Tough Rambo seems to be the head of this line and you might remember Unicorna from his appearance on TMNT 2012!
4 Comments Comments RSS
The Evil is pure nightmare fuel.
It stares into your soul and chellenges you to explain it’s very existence.
1:04 Getting Ryuu from Street Fighter vibes from that headband.
1:46 Reminds me of Nightcrawler from X-Men.
3:22 Gatchaman? Blue Falcon?
Made In China tramp stamps.
I like the bumpier weapons. Makes em look like pitted cast iron.
10:21 Leopardman kinda looks like an evil llama.
10:59 He’s not white, he’s La T No. XD
Why did it double-post everything? 🤔
Freaky, it keeps adding text from old posts.