Halloweenie and Pumpkinweenie decide to take up ghost hunting after not being able to think of anything else to do. Explore the stupidnatural with these morons as your guide! This is Paraweenie Investigations!

Halloweenie and Pumpkinweenie decide to take up ghost hunting after not being able to think of anything else to do. Explore the stupidnatural with these morons as your guide! This is Paraweenie Investigations!
3 Comments Comments RSS
Very nice!
Man, I hate those bogus paranormal investigator shows and how they manipulate their audience.
I see you brought back that cool Ghostbuster’s phone too. I’d want that even more if I still had a land line!
I’m getting the impression Halloweeny is gradually turning into Waboo.
Too bad he couldn’t handle actually encountering a real ghost. The ghost faking business must be tough these days with all these real ghosts popping up!
HalloWEENie is like classic Power Rangers comedy. & much like Homestar, I look forward to it once every year or so.
From certain angles, Robert Addams looks a bit like Johnny Depp.
Lowkey want that racoon in a boat.
Catchy end theme.