This Real Ghostbusters knock off is actually a bootleg of Butthead from The New Adventures of He-Man but recolored to look like a demon or ghost of some sort.

This Real Ghostbusters knock off is actually a bootleg of Butthead from The New Adventures of He-Man but recolored to look like a demon or ghost of some sort.
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Maybe Fei Tigen became a ghost when he competed in Mortal Kombat and Quan Chi beat him to death with his own leg.
My avatar has never felt more relevant.
::Tries Fei Tigen in Chinese:: “Non-Tiger.” Well, I can’t disagree with that.
Having touched a sticky plastic thing today, I can sympathize.
“By the Power of Gozer-skull…. I HAAAAVEEEE THE PROTOOOOOOON PACK!!!!!!!”
Uh-Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh…You said Buthead.