A weird DBZ set with figures that don’t really match each other, only 2 have articulation and some are coloured quite strangely.

A weird DBZ set with figures that don’t really match each other, only 2 have articulation and some are coloured quite strangely.
7 Comments Comments RSS
1:01-1:14 Is that a JoJo reference?
6:32 What a beautiful…pun…..
As a matter of fact…maybe?
I watched this right before watching Dragon Ball Super on Toonami.
This made me happy.
Damn, some of those figures are really goofy looking. Though I’m surprised some look (relatively) alright. And you’re right. That flesh-coloured tail is disgusting. It looks like a worm. It’s especially disturbing when you insert it into Goku’s, well, butthole. I know. That sounds very wrong.
Yamcha, the most Stryker Dragonball Z character!
I like how the back makes it look like Buu is watching giant ghost Pan, while on the front, SS Goku is VERY interested in one-eyed Krillin.
The texture on those plastic balls reminds me of two-tone icy bouncy balls.
Factory worker A: “This SS Vegeta looks almost TOO good.” Factory worker B: “You’re right. We should sand blast some of the paint off.”
“At least his boots are shiny.”