It seems I’ve found what they did with the original Turly Gang heads once the more TMNT like characters got redesigned. They made them into more blatant Ninja Turtle knock offs!

It seems I’ve found what they did with the original Turly Gang heads once the more TMNT like characters got redesigned. They made them into more blatant Ninja Turtle knock offs!
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Never really thought of it before, but the knobs on their faces look like those tiny wind-up dials on old mechanical toys that would hurt your fingers. & the shape of their heads remind me of Super Mario Koopas.
I can’t get over that leg gap. I don’t even want to imagine how a butt would be shaped with legs that pop out like that.
Not about this vid in particular, but lately I wonder if all these bootlegs and bad cartoons have degraded Phelous’ sanity. He might need a break (maybe let Lupa do his show instead?)
Just a few examples:
* He didn’t understand why that dude would tell Male-Anastasia that “I hope its true” that he’s chopping wood. I’ve never seen the movie and I understood it: Boris was set up as being a lazy ass and a thief, so if he really earned the pendant thru working it would mean both that he’s maturing out of his lazy ass phase AND that he really earned the jewelry and didn’t steal it.
Yes I know this could’ve just been a joke but Phelous’ line didn’t parse as one, he comes off as genuinely confused.
* He took Esmerelda’s cry of “MURDER!” to mean she literally thought she was being murdered. Well… in ancient times screaming murder was actually the way to call for help when attacked. Also, most rape-kidnappings do indeed end with the victim getting murdered, so yeah.
* Landon and Emory-Elizabeth comment on the BEDS in Magical Gift of the Snowman being made of marshmellows. Phelous says “I’ve never seen waffles confused for marshmellows before” Well, I’ve never seen blankets confused for an entire bed before. The waffle is just a blanket. The bed itself is, in fact, a marshmellow.
This doctor’s recommendation: Phelous should start watching *good* cartoons to restore his sanity.
Then we the fanbase should ruin it by making him watch The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo, where Frollo is literally a warlock and Quasimodo’s parents may or may not be famous alchemists.
I’d rather watch every cartoon he’s reviewed one after another over modern seasons of Fairly Odd Parents or a Teen Titans Go marathon.
I can get behind the sentiment. I hate what modern animation has become, which is why I don’t allow my own kids to watch modern stuff (Except for Teen Titans Go, which sadly I actually can enjoy in short bursts) and try to introduce them and my sister’s kids to cartoons from the 80s and 90s. Good stuff like He-Man, Thundercats, Fox’s X-Men….
On that note, Phelous is a Real Ghostbusters fan, I wonder if he’s ever even seen–much less has any thoughts on–the OTHER Ghostbusters, the one with two guys and a gorilla that was made by Filmation. (I personally am one of those weirdos who always preferred Filmation’s, but honestly I would like to see a crossover at some point, even if it had to be thru a fan webcomic or something… just as long as they don’t go all Turtles Forever).
BTW, revisiting old Phelous has given me another idea: We never did get Old Man vs Evil Lamp. Seriously why did Evil Lamp (from Amityville IV) not become a meme? WHY DOESN’T LAMP READ CREEPYPASTAS?
I seem to recall Phelan reviewing Extreme Ghostbusters as a whole, & talking about how dumb the Slimer cartoon was. I think he said something about how the Filmation Ghost Busters caused Ghostubers to have The Real in front of it. ::Has a crap memory::
Evil Lamp would make a good meme for spooky abandoned places that are still full of furniture. I know I’ve used it on Dan Bell at least once, & he got the reference.
I agree with your first point, Edmond Dantes.
And I also can agree with you, likalaruku.