The Real Ghostbusters turn into The Reel Ghostbusters when they are turned into a mini cartridge held film reel. Quite an interesting way to have a portable video.

The Real Ghostbusters turn into The Reel Ghostbusters when they are turned into a mini cartridge held film reel. Quite an interesting way to have a portable video.
7 Comments Comments RSS
Pretty dorky, Phelous. Good thing these didn’t come out over here, I would have wanted one and got pissed off from disappointment.
Awesome find man! I’m really enjoying seeing these retro gadgets from the 80s like this and that Ghostbusters portable game. It really shows some of the creativity they had back then, especially with that game, I would have never thought something like that existed. BTW just out of curiosity, how long are the little films? Looked to be only about 30 seconds.
Thanks, they are somewhere around that, maybe a little less. I didn’t time one out.
Didn’t Phelous review Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm? I felt like bingewatching something today, but couldn’t find the reviews.
He reviewed the live-action show. Conquest, I think it was called?
2:20 A return of the Mr Do monsters.
I definitely want one for my keychain collection.
I remember an acquaintance of mine having something like this when I was a kid. Except it played old Disney shorts and didn’t use batteries; you operated it with a hand-crank. This actually made it a bit more fun to play with since you could play the movies sped up, slowed down, or in reverse.