We happened across an abandoned house left full of goodies from the 60’s! It really was amazing how much stuff was just laying around in there!

We happened across an abandoned house left full of goodies from the 60’s! It really was amazing how much stuff was just laying around in there!
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My grandparents lived in a farm with no central heating for the bedrooms, only the chimney in the living room. So what they would do is heat a brick in the fire then wrap it up in clothing and put it in the bed to make it warm for the night. The brick you found was mst likely used to that effect.
Well, now we know where Phelous will hide so he won’t have to watch Cabin Fever remake.
I was thinking he might be searching for more Galaxy figurines, but since it’s a 60s house you’re probably in the right.
Allison sure looks different in this video!
That item in the kitchen she guessed was a breadmaker was actually a ringer, for ringing out the water from laundry before it was hung on a line. Back when my grandpa was a little kind in the 30’s, he lived on a farm. His arm got caught in one of those, and it ripped the skin from the upper arm. Instead of grafting pigskin on, little Billy was one of the first people to get a graft of skin from elsewhere on his body. Still a bit experimental at the time, and he spent a few months at the local army base while they worked on him. He still has some terrible scarring, but at least he is 100% human.
Oh wow, glad it wasn’t worse, sounds like a horrid machine.
Oh, I actually spelled that wrong. It’s called a wringer, but an alternate name for it was the mangle. They were in common use from the 1840’s up into the 20th century. Even still used in some modern commercial laundries, as wringing the clothes before drying uses less electricity and causes less lint to come loose.
I guess this is where the phrase “put through the wringer” comes from
As Phelous mentions later in the video, Kyna’s shoes are definitely NOT appropriate for this kind of places. Anybody thinking about doing something similar, always wear boots.
Or make sure your tetanus shot is up to date and watch where you step. Don’t you tell me what to wear, Foot Nazi!
Last year, I learned that flip flops aren’t even suitable for the beach. You need boots there too. lol.
Please Phelous, I’m begging you, for the sake of my eye strain and headaches, bring a tripod next time?
Not for all the shots obviously, but this would be much less painful to see if you’d use something to steady the camera when possible. After all the times you said the same of other videos, I think you understand?
These videos are interesting but it’s physically impossible for me to look at it without it being painful.
That’s not possible in the slightest for this type of video. I can’t explore a place while standing at a tripod plus it wouldn’t be safe to set a camera on a tripod in a lot of these areas. I’m sorry if the movement is too much for you but I can’t really do much about it as far as these are concerned.
Ah okay, fair enough. I’d thought if you had a collapsible one it could be set up in one room, then you presented in there, then collapsed it again until going into the next room, with the shaky bits just being for, say, going up stairs and changing rooms.
If that’s not safe/feasible, then I understand. I suppose these exploration videos are just gonna be one series I skip, as it is legitimately painful to watch.
Well maybe not a tripod but a camera chest harness (or shoulder brace) could work. It would still be too cumbersome for narrow areas (like the attic or stairs) but otherwise it should give results.
I don’t know if it would help, but there are some videos on YouTube that seem to use a bit of software to steady the video they filmed on their cell phones. I have no idea what it was, but it exists, I guess? Worth looking into?
Fantastic new series . The only problem probably will be us – the viewers – demanding more 🙂 . Also , give your sister some hunter boots .
Piano bit reminded me of Calvaire … the only horror movie Belgium ever made ( as far as I know ) . Maybe something to watch & review ? nudge , nudge …
How did you find out about that place? Same goes for the other abandoned places videos you have posted.
Try to find an abandoned mental hospital if you can. That would be awesome.
Pretty sweet finding a time capsule with stuff THAT old. Most are lucky if they can manage to identify things from the 80s. I like to look at the packaging, shoes, & machines & try to figure out what year the place was first lived in & then abandoned.
Prune plums? Are there any other kind of prunes?
Obituaries of all the classmates she outlived.
“Sorry I’m not home right now, I’m walking into spiderwebs, so leave a message & I’ll call you back.” -No Doubt.
You guys really need half-face mold respirators. These old places are filled with mold & asbestos spores. You can get em as cheap as $15-$25. Make sure you get the right kind; cheap dust respirators won’t do. Gloves are a good idea too; The houses from the 50s or older, when they had lead, mercury, & uranium in everything.
The rotary phone is 60s or 70s, brings back memories of my grandparents.
The dangly toy looks like some kind of Sesame Street monster.
I’ve heard of a tea-cozy but never a brick-cozy.
Either that cup is a flower pot, or they actually thought one person could drink the whole 12 cups of coffee.
I kinda remember an Oh Canada cartoon with a character named Basil, but it was pronounced more like like “a” in battle.
Coke-On visor. Apply directly to forehead.
All the food packaging looks mid century, even the KFC bucket…Except that Minute Maid carton. That carton design is in current use.
Found out what that beaded toy was; a Tom Tinker Tinkertoy crib doll. Seems it’s had its arms ripped off.
Yeah, that giant cup is actually a chamberpot. Very glad you didn’t put your mouth on that.
Yeah it was a joke. I wasn’t going to put my mouth on it regardless of what it was.
Interesting, and strange. Why is all that stuff still there? For that matter, why is that house even still standing? I would have thought it would have been demolished by now. And they just left a piano behind? Wouldn’t you want to, you know, SELL something like that?
The window between the bedroom and the chimney room is really strange. I can sort of get the idea of the chimney room. Probably it was just used for storage. But why in God’s name would you put a window in it? And why would ANYONE put a window in a house that looks into ANOTHER ROOM? What is even the point of that?
And now, another delightful episode of Haunted House Hunting, your ideal program for finding that perfectly possessed property in the creepily quaint and quiet country.
Do you know anything about this place? It would be cool if someone saw this video, recognized some little thing about it, investigated and discovered this was their family ancestral home or something. Not likely but a cool thought
I could make out the numbers: 15, 4, 12, on the date
I knew someone with a knit covered brick; that was a doorstop but they’re also cover to keep from scratching the floor
Hope you do another ‘poking around old thing’ video as these are so bizarre yet cool (some of the stuff you found was quite cool really cool!) and your sister is hilarious!
By the way, i saw that Little Mermaid film ages ago on KidsCo where a lot of these films are played. It was played around the same time as cash ins for Anastasia and…. the Prince of Eygpt….random except for the fact the Exodus is actually a really popular story to make into a cheap animated film. Go Figure; have you bumped into any of these? That was a great video by the way; pointed out a lot of fairy tale plot holes I hadn’t noticed (though Casandra only showing up once is more in keeping with the origional so…points)
Also, have you ever seen Fireball XL5? I was thinking about Old Man and how the voice you give him is very similer to the professor in that show and they both share a look so I was wondering if that was a coincidence or homage or such.
The “Light bulb” was probably a radio tube, for the record. It’s what they used to use before transistors.
This sort of stuff fascinates the hell out of me. This was somebody’s home, someone’s life, and something happened, seemingly something abrupt (probably the death of a widow or widower) that lead to all this stuff never being properly disposed of and the house falling into complete disrepair. I want to know the story behind this place and its former occupants.
Was there anything in the photo albums? I wonder if there wouldn’t be some library or historical society interested in some of that stuff.
06:23 Looks like an old jar of Vaseline to me.
09:50 I want to say owl feathers, but I showed my dad this and said that other birds could have the same feathers, including chickens. Still, considering it’s an abandoned shack, I want to lean towards an owl just living there w/ her chicks.
11:15 On the Next Bootleg Zones/MMZ!
11:55 Other ppl. have all ready commented on it. I have something similar as a doorstop.
21:40 And, it’s a shame to think of all these antiques just lying there rotting. I’d think they’d make a killing at the auction market if someone actually bothered to dig them up and transport them.
22:00 Brasso well…cleans the green tarnish off of Brass. :-S
I would not wea sandles in there and i would wear thick glove just incase. That just me. Interesting stuff. I would like to do thsi stuff hut to affraid i get caught and in trouble or if dangerous.