When the Galaxy Hole takes on TMNT you get the Turly Gang! Amazing figures that not only knock of Ninja Turtles but He-Man as well plus they are some of the most colourful Galaxy Warriors!

When the Galaxy Hole takes on TMNT you get the Turly Gang! Amazing figures that not only knock of Ninja Turtles but He-Man as well plus they are some of the most colourful Galaxy Warriors!
32 Comments Comments RSS
Yeesh, those turtle faces. They look more like cheap kids’ Halloween masks.
Hopefully you’ll get to review the armored ones eventually.
Well that’s what the Pink Magnon is but if I ever was able to get one with the accessories and especially the box I’ll revisit it for sure.
I prefer my Filet Magnon more on the red side. Pink is just too well-done.
Brined and then Wrapped in Bacon and seared then slow cooked to desired doneness for me.
So do you prefer Medium, Medium well or Medium Rare?
Turly Gang VS Pentagram Turtle Fighters… who would win?
Turly Gang. They are put together better, heh.
Man, you spend a lot on knockoff figures. Are you able to write them off as a business expense?
Bronc the Superfighter looks like a rejected Lego Bionicle/Hero Factory character.
with the armor on.
I disagree on the pronunciation of Dragenius and Tititus: it’s “Dra-genius”, not “Drag-enius” and why would the second “i” in “Titius” be silent? — it’s not “Titus”.
Does it really matter?
Of course it does. Mispronunciation lowers the overall quality of the show.
Well Baltard is back but not in anyway we’d actually want!
ACTUALLY Phelous (oh yeah I’m pulling out the actually), they were thrown into the giant pot of lava which is the source of all lava for all volcanic eruptions on earth. I’m sure we can all agree is infinitely more awesome then a mere volcano 😉
When you mentioned Turly Gang in your Lord of Insects BZ, I was immediately looking forward to you covering that line. I’m happy to say the Turly Gang did not disappoint. 🙂
It’s turly turly turly outrageous.
The bulbous nubbins on their faces remind me of these tiny little wind-up twist buttons on old mechanical toys.
“Gimp Baltards.” You must have 30 Baltards now.
Anubi really does work good as a substitute Shredder.
Why was Baltard in blackface?
It’s supposed to be a mask. But well, it’s a cheap bootleg paint job. :-/
Hey Phelous!
I found one of the music tracks from “Dinosaur Adventure” can be found in the 1999 home video release, “Presidential Bloopers”, with Mike Jerrick. It pops up after about a minute, and can be heard later on as well.
Here’s a video link if you’re interested:
And a link to the IMDB page for “Presidential Bloopers”:
HAHA that’s weird to hear on something else.
Dear god, hahaha. I love how so far on this show, Galaxy Warriors has crossed over with TMNT not only once, but twice on this show! And, wow, Turtles Fighters using the straps/weapons/harnesses was one thing, but this?! Holy crapola, they’re high-larious. And kinda awesome in how many variations of it there are, including the increased articulation on the arms and legs on some of them.
These Galaxy Hole videos are funny and often pretty fascinating. Looking forward to the next one ^,^
Maybe it’s just me, but anything riding that high on the hips are briefs, not trunks. Trunks, to me, need to actually cover part of the thigh, which the He-Man style furry underpants never really have.
I honestly like the Iguana headed re-designs better. They just fit the mutated muscle guy body sculpt better than the more simplified and cartoony frog/turtle head.
I also like the pink dragon vehicle, it’s really freakin’ pink.
I’m starting to feel like Baltard is the unofficial “Mascot” of the Galaxy Hole.
If you found out there was a Galaxy Warriors cartoon and in it, Baltard was considered the most powerful person on the planet Ferror, would you laugh or cry?
Laugh so hard I’d cry.
Late comment… but holy crap I didn’t even notice the ripoff turtle in your banner image does have the He-Man/Galaxy Warrior body mold.
The Turly Gang was here all along, and I never noticed.
Am I the only one who thinks that Phelous should do Bootleg Zones episodes on food? There’s a bunch of foods and beverages that rip-off pre-existing foods and beverages (such as Pepero, Pibb Xtra, etc.) so there would be enough to do a video series on food/beverage knock-offs.
I would support this idea if Brad Jones were to co-host.
A perfect 10 all around? Phelous was OBVIOUSLY paid off for this review.
(Sarcasm btw…I know it’s not always obvious in text form)