The next Galaxy line in the back hole of the Galaxy Warriors universe. Sewco’s Galaxy Fighters, which included some warriors for complication’s sake.

The next Galaxy line in the back hole of the Galaxy Warriors universe. Sewco’s Galaxy Fighters, which included some warriors for complication’s sake.
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Since Baltard and Iguana appear to have the same body the two are the same character and that’s why Baltrad is so disgusting he was a lizard pretending to a man(?) the whole time. No wonder he’s a loser he wouldn’t embrace his reptile heritage like SahackCobraKoobra.
The insanity continues and I love it. The one you don’t have I think it’s supposed be an owl? Also I was wondering since you have both bootlegs and real He-Man figures, in the legs come apart due to the elastic band becoming old and brittle?
The elastic becomes too stretched so the legs get loose. If the band actually snaps the legs fall off.
Still getting the “Sorry, we’re unable to play this episode” message.
Darn. I put it under the wrong message.
I agree w/ WillK (Don’t know why but I can’t respond to him. 🙁 ), I think the “Mystery Figure” is an owl.
Video won’t play.
I tested it again and it still seems to be playing fine. But I have re-uploaded the video to blip so that it would be converted on their end again just in case.
I’m getting the same error and I have been for a couple of days on this video as well as the MKC review on The Master. Not sure why these two aren’t working while others are, but they won’t play here or on Blip whether adblock is active or not (ads play just fine, though, with adblock disabled).
Any idea why? I just keep getting “Sorry, we’re unable to play this episode.”
Thank you for more Bootleg Zone! I hope when the zone has an anniversary we get an after credit scene of all the bootleg toys battling it out :).
Not playing for me either. :s
I fear one day Phelous you will be in a sea of Galaxy Warriors/Fighters room confused on why there are so many variants XD
Great Review as always!
He’s going to need a warehouse to store them all. Don’t become a hoarder, Phelan. I live with one, & I can tell you that his room has not seen a vacuum in over 10 years, & his toys are all pushed to the side to create a path.
I think Robic is supposed to be some kind of Owl head man.
like the head being the entire owl body, and the mucle body the feets
It won’t play…would clearing my cache work?
Also, tho those who got it to work, are you Patrons/what browser are you using?
Because those might be affecting things…
Im using chrome….
and i guess you make me said im not a Patron…. now Phelous knows… even he credit the patrons all the times so he should already know.
Why do only the good guys have helmets? That’s weird.
the real question here is why do so many manly characters of this style look so gay? think about it for a second, you have a bunch of cartoonish male characters that are overly buffed running around space in nothing but top armor, underwear, and boots. makes them less like galactic heroes and more like gay strippers in bad cosplay outfits. who thinks this is still appealing to look at even in the 1980’s? I have nothing against guys trying to be manly or the gay people in general, but this is really pushing it. it’s the 80’s He-Man stereotype that, along with Care Bears, has not aged well.
nah, is just because they are smuth, strong half naked strong guys, so the face is neutral or happy, and for a gay stereotype, it fits.
beside, heman didnt help that much.
no, it sure didn’t. I’m not saying gay or lesbian characters can’t be interesting, because they have been in live action and in cartoons/anime. TMNT & Thundercats at least has character development and room for improvement in later series & reboots. Transformers is almost as bad but it does have characters and with later tv series it can allow itself to experiment with new ideas. but He-Man as a show and a franchise (or even the character himself) really doesn’t help the gay community with it’s overuse of gay overtones nor does it help the strong guys argument when it makes them look like their jacked up on steroids. He-Man almost reaches the Ambiguously Gay Duo levels of gay overtones. the reason why I have a problem with it is because that’s all the show has going for it. and if you ask me, if people thing that being overly buffed is good for men, then the same could be said that being slutty is good for women. He-Man: it’s ok to be gay as long as you beat the shit out of somebody. cause I guess that’s a good message for kids or whatever.
I watched a lot of He-Man as a kid, and I would not describe it as a show about a gay man who constantly beats people up. I would call it a show about a celestial warrior fighting for justice and the fate of the universe in a sword-and-sorcery setting infused with high technology.
Gay men tend to have a more effeminate sence of fashion…I say this based on coworkers & friends.
The stereotype that He-Man fashion is gay is exactly why men are overdressed in video games & comic books, when they should be prancing around in man lingerie…mangerie to match their equally scantily clad lady friends. Most women want to see sweaty muscles, no woman ever got turned on by 50lb of steel armor & giant shoulder pads.
whether or not the whole gay overtone was intentional or not, I can;t confirm or deny it. however, through the innuendos of the animation and dialogue, it does come across as such. and really, the show nor the character himself has not aged well nor has it withstood the test of time. the reason why shows such as TMNT & Thundercats managed to last so long and stay relevant is because they actually had character development, meaningful storytelling, and had events going on that had consequences and sacrifice. He-Man on the other hand, doesn’t. it was meant to sell toys and beyond that and a few other things, that’s all the show has going for it. the same could be said for GI Joe & Transformers, however Transformers had room for improvement and at least tried to tell a story where GI Joe & He-Man had story but no progression. you can’t feel any sympathy for a character whose choices don’t hold much weight, nor can you fear the villain if he is defeated in every single episode. shows like He-Man tend to follow what is known as The Principle Of Evil Marksmanship. if the hero is far too overpowered, I can’t invest in the character and therefor I don’t care about him. this is not mutually exclusive to just He-Man since it does apply to many other forms of media in a visual manner.
wont work for me either.. DAMM YOU BALTARD!!!
I’ve put in a ticket to Blip support about it, if you still can’t play it I’d suggest complaining to blip too.
Whoa. I never noticed before that there are Phelous t shirts.
You know, it is a known fact that every galaxy in the Universe has a black hole in it’s center, even our very own Milky Way. It’s only fitting the utter confusing mess that is Galaxy Warrior… Fighter… Invincible… whatever, also has one of it’s own. And all sense gets consumed by it!
Step 1: Put images of characters in hat.
Step 2: Put names of characters in hat.
Step 3: Whichever name is pulled out with an image is the name the model uses this production quarter.
Depending on his mask color, Robic either looks like a golf ball or a pinecone.
There’s something about this toy line that makes me think of archaeology/paleontology. Trying to figure out what evolved, when, & why.
There’s a set of 6 Galaxy Heroes on eBay that looks really bottom-of-the-barrel, like the plastic molding was on it’s last legs & the painters just didn;t give a shit.
There’s also this one I don’t think I’ve ever seen in your collection, with a half-skull face & a shitty cloth vest.
There was also two exceptionally badly painted Magnons with oversized heads. &
Looking at it, I have to wonder if Robic is the head from a Kinnikuman knock-off. Just shoved on the Galaxy Whatever body mould.
The way the head is painted it looks to me like they were trying to make a owl’s head. Or maybe it’s just me. xD
With the head-fin thing, I wondered… especially since it got much more use for their wrestling line. Robic (aerobic?) does sound like a knock-off version of Muscle.
I’ve seen weirder head/mould combinations.
Sure looks like Kinnikuman.
Nah. While it might be from the same line (the mold at least), Robic’s face has more texture lines.
I don’t think it’s FROM Kinnikuman, I just think it’s Kinnikuman-inspired. Kinnikuman was from 1979 & had cartoons in the 80s & 90s, so I would have been available for inspiration.
Finally got the video working the other day. Anyway, it amazes me how much variations this line has. Though I wonder if they’re still being sold anywhere (outside of ebay).
I think it’s pretty obvious what’s wrong with Magoon’s eyes; that character is palette-swapped Thor.
So many muscle man figure knock off and I have watched these videos several times and it will only get more confusing from here on out. DAMN YOU BALTARD.
You were not kidding about this series being a black hole and it will most likely not end any time soon.
I don’t know why but I just enjoy these Galaxy fighter review. Such an interesting line of toys. It almost make me want to collect a few of them…well just the one I like thought ahaha…