One of the silly Super Hero sets from China containing SuperMan, Spider-Man,Batman and 3 Power Rangers. Get your back screws and chest lights ready!

One of the silly Super Hero sets from China containing SuperMan, Spider-Man,Batman and 3 Power Rangers. Get your back screws and chest lights ready!
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oh wow, Superman neck hair of steel and freaked out Batman looks freaking hilarious XD
Looks like Superman is wearing a mail coif. Medieval Superman?
Batman would not look as doofy if he didn’t have pupils, but he still would look pretty stupid.
Batman’s face……Bwahahahahaha! XD Reminds me of The Tick. & the quality of these particular Chinese bootleg toys is on par with the Canadian Paratrooper Ninja Turtles from Mexico. $5 says they’re pure melamine with lead paint.
& Superman’s misshapen skull doesn’t allow much room for a brain.
Defeated by Happy Meal toys.
None of these are as awesome as Special Man or TitanicBot.
Oh god, that new-old segment. I missed it so much…
The first weapon you showed off is modeled off the Bison Axe, the Wild Force Black Ranger’s weapon. The two daggers also look to be poorly done recreations of the Crystal Sabers, which each Wild Force ranger has one of.
The swords though, I have no idea where they came from. They look familiar, but I might be completely making that up.
From the funny voices to Sassyman and his strange hairstyle to Batusi’s goofy face, this is one of the funniest Bootleg Zones reviews I’ve ever watched. Also, who exactly is the tiny villain dressed as a bat at the end?
It’s Bat-Mite.
Super Heroes VS. Sense of Right Alliance: Bootleg War was a pretty overrated movie.