Baywatching: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
CJ’s mom comes to Baywatch Beach to escape from her mobster boyfriend. Featuring Shawn Michaels and his vest.

CJ’s mom comes to Baywatch Beach to escape from her mobster boyfriend. Featuring Shawn Michaels and his vest.
The WWE is over! Long live GR FlexForce! The new leader in chainsaw sports entertainment.
Hulk Hogan and Grace Jones starred in a horrible, horrible treasure movie and somehow nobody has heard of it. Probably because it didn’t have a finished script and nobody understood how comedy works. Adventure awaits! Cameo by The Big Show.
The boys from OSW Review (and Phelan!) join me to tackle Bash at the Beach in a Reviewer Royal Rumble! Back stories are revealed! Cancer is had! Hulkamania runs wild!
The time has come…for the Hulk Hogan and cancer episode.
The Charmed Ones step into the ring with some demonic WCW wrestlers, Piper steals souls, and Ron Perlman rips off Phantasm.
One of Sungold’s own reworking of their Galaxy Warriors molds into Wrestling figures! It’s the Galaxy Wrestlers!
Hulk Hogan, arranged marriages, and prophetic dreams!
Hulk Hogan uses his fancy pants boat to fight evil and get the girl.