Silent Hill LP Part 9&10
The wonderful adventures of Silent Hill continue with some larva, moths and a sewer level… dammit!

The wonderful adventures of Silent Hill continue with some larva, moths and a sewer level… dammit!
Phelous returns to the damned Silent Hill film to finish what he started.
This Silent Hill LP goes to the next LEVEL! … The Hospital. Will we find Cheryl? Answers? More questions? Or craziest of all more wheelchairs!?
Harry’s quest continues with lizards of gumming you to death, lying doctors, humpers and worse of all: Dahlia Gillespie.
Harry quest to find his daughter leads him to the school of hard otherworlds.
Phelous Plays Silent Hill! Searching for Harry’s daughter, short black hair, just turned 7 last month.
Homecoming’s misteps prove you really can’t ever go home again… unless your home is the otherworld.
Phelous doing a video game? Otherworld must have frozen over.(This is as spoiler free as possible)