Baywatching: Red Wind
Geraldo Rivera shows up with a magic wind.
Baywatch,david hasselhoff,pamela anderson,lisa stahl,geraldo rivera

Geraldo Rivera shows up with a magic wind.
Baywatch has a dangerous pirate themed scavenger hunt. Meanwhile, Garner is the Cryptkeeper.
A dog tries to kill Eyebrows. Meanwhile, Mitch fights sexism in the FBI.
The only thing a man should be measured by…is the size of his heart.
Mitch and Gayle are getting remarried! Meanwhile, Pepsi and Mila Kunis.
An earthquake can’t stop our wave-ridin’ crew!
The lifeguards of Baywatch are suffering so many budget cuts they gotta resort to a clip show!
Baywatch has its own TV show and Garner has a lookalike named Sly Hutchinson.
Summer is possessed by a ghost! Meanwhile, CJ goes to Seaworld.
A dreamy new lifeguard has ties to a gang. Meanwhile, CJ meets a beach magician.