Slightly Better Mexican Galaxy Warriors & MOTU
These pieces of crap at least aren’t hollow! These are the premium Mexican bootlegs I guess.
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Galaxy Warriors,Mexico,MOTU
These pieces of crap at least aren’t hollow! These are the premium Mexican bootlegs I guess.
Even Mexico did their own version of Galaxy Warriors alongside He-Man, Skeletor and Lion-O!
Resident Evil has finally come to Bootleg Zones and this Mexican set even brought the worst of the worst with it: Resident Alice!
Mexican Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that are extremely lazily slapped together and stole another bootleg’s name and packaging.
Turtles from Mexico but this time the “quality you usually get from a Mexican bootleg. Plus Krang has joined for this nightmare.
Bootlegs from Mexico!? Total shocker… wait these aren’t that bad? Ok, an actual shock.