Screen Accurate Proton Pack Replica!
My 1:1 screen accurate proton pack prop! If there was one ridiculous movie prop I had to have it was this!

My 1:1 screen accurate proton pack prop! If there was one ridiculous movie prop I had to have it was this!
I finally found that Ghostbusters was indeed release on Video 2000 aka V2000 and WE GOT ONE! Also some more VHS, Beta and Blu Ray releases including the largest box a Ghostbusters movie release came in!
The Real Ghostbusters parodied The Simpsons in their 6th season episode Guess What’s Coming to Dinner. Ghost versions of the Simpsons show up and take over the firehouse though they all have parody names from Married with Children.
Taking a look at the BetaCam format and the difference between it and BetaMax. Also the betacam machine and how often it likes to mess up!
There was a lost Ghostbusters cartoon produced by Goodtimes Entertainment and I managed to get some footage from it!
Here are two ridiculous LCD games ripping off Ghostbusters, Ghostblaster and Ghosthunter! No company info on Ghosthunter but Ghostblaster is from Triotoys and has Tiger Electronics stamped on the back!
This Ghostbusters II book has some character designs that look NOTHING like any of the characters and jokes that’ll make you sad you ever existed!
More additions to the Ghostbusters movie collection featuring the 35th anniversary Blu-Ray!
It’s the 35th Anniversary of both Ghostbusters and Transformers and they’ve joined forces to make an Ecto 1 transformer!
Looking at the 3 other Diamond Select Real Ghostbusters figures. We got the good, the bad, and the marshmallow.