Gingerdead Man 3
Somehow the “jokes” go even further downhill and the Gingerdead Man takes a lot of breaks to watch a Carrie Remake.

Somehow the “jokes” go even further downhill and the Gingerdead Man takes a lot of breaks to watch a Carrie Remake.
A cookie is on the loose at a movie studio? Will anyone survive? Will anyone watching care?
10 years after An American Werewolf in London, John Landis made another horror comedy about vampires and the mafia. How did it turn out!
Gary Busey turns into a cookie. Merry Gingerbreadmas Butthorns!
Let’s take a look at one of the best overlooked comedies and one of my favorite movies.
It’s the 100th episode of Obscurus Lupa Presents! And what better way to celebrate than with my favorite movie of all time?
Nostalgia Critic and Phelous team up once again to tackle the final Child’s Play film.
It’s the most obnoxious kids movie ever made! With John Rhys-Davies goodness!