Bad Cop, Lazy Cop (Crimes & Witch Demeanors) (Charmed Rewind)
The Charmed Ones suck so bad they get put on trial. Darryl is on death row. The promo thinks this is sexy?

The Charmed Ones suck so bad they get put on trial. Darryl is on death row. The promo thinks this is sexy?
Phoebe is turned into a genie and Chris is surprised to find out that breaking up his parents before he was born could have negative consequences.
The Charmed Ones’ dreams come to life when they totally fail to save the Sandman from death. Leo is pregnant as an aside.
It’s the iconic first appearance of the Charmed One’s greatest enemy: Barbas! Billy Drago appears once every 1300 years to be easily defeated by an ADR line. Phoebe finds a ladybug.
The girls must go undercover as sexy Valkyries to rescue Leo from Valhalla, also Phoebe gets her empathy powers and is at her most annoying. Smash Mouth and Joe Millionaire as a talking dog, I guess?
When a banshee comes to town, the show finds an opportunity to put Phoebe into another sexy costume. Also, Prue becomes a dog. Featuring Cole’s Sears portrait.
When a student at Magic School summons Lady Godiva, Phoebe must annoyingly stand up against breastfeeding discrimination or something. Sexism is defeated.
Piper becomes a vicious monster. Later, she also becomes a wendigo.
This episode is epically bad. The girls turn into PMS werewolves.
In every generation there is a chosen one. He alone will stand against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. He is the ice cream man.