Power Dump of Three (Sin Francisco) (Charmed Rewind)
Lazy Leo eats chips. There’s a plot about the seven deadly sins in this episode also.

Lazy Leo eats chips. There’s a plot about the seven deadly sins in this episode also.
Tiny Bangs Phoebe does Cole a big favor by telling him to move on and go to Hell, please. Bruce Campbell wonders why he’s here.
Phoebe’s dream man steps out of a 50s monster movie. The audience is left to wonder what the Demon of Illusion meant when he said “and then there were two.”
Wyatt shrinks down Piper and Leo and traps them in a dollhouse. Meanwhile, Zankou has a dumb plan that hinges on him never checking if someone is in the house or not.
Wyatt summons a dragon because Piper is dumb and won’t bind his powers.
The Crone plans to steal the Charmed One’s baby by using a monkey to steal their senses or something? Brian Krause is bored on set.
Prue and Cole go back to the old west to hate flirt and maybe save Phoebe if there’s time.
David Carradine shows up with stupid hair to trap the girls within a time loop. Hilarious death ensues. Also Andy I guess.
Phoebe is a horrible monster who chooses to be evil and tries to gaslight everyone later. Meanwhile, Cole uses Netscape to shop for baby toys.
Paige steals the Book of Shadows to help other people, which is personal gain I guess so she gets big boobs. Piper turns into another sexy costume because grief.