Batman might be Spider-Man’s dad.
This set has doofy figures, a crappy halloween costume, a disc shooter and a VCD!?
Mobile video is back in Tiny TV form with Batman, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park and Friends!
Batman meets the Ninja Turtles in animated form! I cover the movie and compare it to the comic it was adapted from!
Batman V Superman but this time they are Road Stars! They gotta battle it out on 4 Wheelers! Which you usually don’t take out on the road…
Bat Hero returns… sorta. This time the lame knight is ripping off both Batman Forever and the animated series!
I got some bootleg Lego men from Chinatown. Most interestingly Super Mario Lego which isn’t a real thing. Also Batman and Skeleton join the fun!
Rayden informs Sub-Zero and Smoke of the DC Realm invasion. Sub-Zero decides to take on Batman while Smoke has to deal with Alfred. (Originally shot the day after MK vs DC’s announcement)