Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation (Ep17) Mutant Reflections
Dr. Quease is back… he’s also made clones which is handled with Next Mutation’s usual flare. Dragonlord also phones it in, literally!

Dr. Quease is back… he’s also made clones which is handled with Next Mutation’s usual flare. Dragonlord also phones it in, literally!
The Vampires call a giant light ball which is the 1st vampire or something. More importantly, maybe, Bonesteel captures all the turtles, except Venus, and Splinter doesn’t care.
More hot potato with the vampire heart, Raphael and Donatello are jerks to Venus for reasons only known to them and Bonesteel achieves his ultimate form: a chair.
The turtles decide to betray the world and want to give the vampires their heart back. Meanwhile Bonesteel rolls around in some garbage.
Vampires show up and interrupt the turtles easily being tracked by Bonesteel over and over.
Wick and some of the dragons become fans of Michelangelo’s radio show. This episode constant hazardous amounts of stupid.
The Turtles and Silver fight over some old man’s lotto ticket. And you thought this show couldn’t sink any lower.
The dragons remember they exist and kidnap Donatello’s favorite crazy scientist, Dr. Quease. He has his brain connected to the internet… yes really.
Michelangelo creates a pirate radio station out of the turtle humvee and Bonesteel takes over a pizzeria. Then, Mikey decides to throw an animal rights fundraiser and a Clockwork Orange rip off gang shows up.
Gary Chalk shows up as a Gorilla who runs a gang so Michelangelo decides to take his stupidity to new heights and wants to burn down the turtle’s lair.