Bootleg Zones: Pokémon TCG BREAKpoint
Some bootleg Breakpoint boosters showed up at a dollar store near me so lets check them out and see how you can tell the difference.

Some bootleg Breakpoint boosters showed up at a dollar store near me so lets check them out and see how you can tell the difference.
Checking out a house that looks like it’s about ready to fall in on itself Poltergeist style! (This is the house we ending up using for Halloweenie!)
Old Man takes a trip to the creepiest zone from the beta of Sonic 2: Genocide City Zone! Which had a silly story written about it…
Halloweenie tries to get another job and ends up in a bar. Will things work out? Who or what is Halloweenie!? This episode may just shock and amaze you… but not likely.
The Real Ghostbusters only prime time special is probably their best episode post the Q5 interference and has the nicest animation!
Halloweenie struggles with his new situation and is forced to find a new home.
The introduction of Sam Hain and the Ghostbusters first Halloween outing… which apparently never ended.
Things hit a boiling point on the Halloweenie show and some changes have to be made.
Mortal Kombat for Sega Genesis/Megadrive with 28 People! FOR REAL! All your favorites like Tom Cage, Nokia and Ninjakiller!
A long time abandoned camp out in the woods with some rather odd products and sleeping areas. Watch out for the Butt Tree!