Exploring Abandoned Service Station House
This place’s garage was apparently service station at one point has still has a Winnebago inside. They fixed TVs as well from the looks of things and there’s quite a bizarre history.

This place’s garage was apparently service station at one point has still has a Winnebago inside. They fixed TVs as well from the looks of things and there’s quite a bizarre history.
Hercules is the best, at least he certainly thinks so, but someone else got to be king so he complains a lot about it then does some horrible labors to get his mind off his mother.
The second go at a Mortal Kombat cartoon based mostly off MK3 but also follows the 1st film! The good characters form a “Kombat Team” to stop forces from Outworld from invading the Earth!
I’m finally talking about the wonder that is the Nicolas Cage remake of The Wicker Man! Watch out for those Bee Women! How’d he get beared!?
Checking out the now very graffitied up first Satellite Station in Canada. This place asks some serious questions like is Double Dragon II better than River City Ransom?
It’s Burbank’s spin on Beauty and the Beast! Featuring a bunch of lies and a lanky loser Beast who yells NNOOO a lot.
It seems I’ve found what they did with the original Turly Gang heads once the more TMNT like characters got redesigned. They made them into more blatant Ninja Turtle knock offs!
Deep in the woods we check out an old stone cabin which has been left to fall apart for a long time now. This is possibly one of the oldest buildings we’ve checked out!
Burbank’s version of this story almost forgets about Quasimodo but at least there’s lots of doofy Frollo. Also Esmeralda might be a witch.
The Real Ghostbusters turn into The Reel Ghostbusters when they are turned into a mini cartridge held film reel. Quite an interesting way to have a portable video.