Silent Hill: Revelation Part 2
The terrible mess that is Silent Hill Revelation’s plot keeps growing and only one hero can save us: Pyramid Head!
The terrible mess that is Silent Hill Revelation’s plot keeps growing and only one hero can save us: Pyramid Head!
To try and be more faithful to the game it creates giant holes in the plot from the 1st movie and forgot the SILENT part of Silent Hill.
Float away with the top 20 dumbest moments from the 87 Ninja Turtles cartoon!
It’s the 40 dumbest moments from the 87 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon starting with 40 to 21!
Marvel created the book of the dead!? What hell will this unleash on Link…Phelous…?
Jason Voorhees, bouncing here and there and into everyone’s bodies. A strange slug than be beyond compare, he is the Jason heart soul… thing.
Aka the audience goes to see a Friday the 13th film and instead, gets whatever this is…
The contradictions are out in full force as we wrap up the 5th installment of the Alice is Awesome series.
Barry is finally in one of these movies! Will he and Jill form team Sandwich or will this be another installment of the Alice show? …what do you think?
Phelous talks about the top 10 favorite things he’s done himself… what a jackass.