OLP: Witchcraft
It’s got suspense! It’s got a baby! It’s got a Dracula cape! It’s Witchcraft, the first in a fantastically long series of bad movies.
It’s got suspense! It’s got a baby! It’s got a Dracula cape! It’s Witchcraft, the first in a fantastically long series of bad movies.
It’s a late Christmas movie about dogs and magical Native Americans!
It’s one of the worst Sesame Street specials ever made! And Ethel Merman thinks you look like an idiot!
It’s the 100th episode of Obscurus Lupa Presents! And what better way to celebrate than with my favorite movie of all time?
It’s another Xena Let’s Play! Now with more wolf-tossing action!
He’s a samurai, a cop, and he’s got a beautiful mane of hair! Can he defeat Robert Z’dar and still have time to make out at the end of the day?
The Xena folks made an animated multipath adventure! How did it hold up? It’s very French, it turns out!