purple people eater should never have been a film
You’ve heard the song, now watch the movie starring Neil Patrick Harris! Or not.

You’ve heard the song, now watch the movie starring Neil Patrick Harris! Or not.
let’s try these halloween donuts
It’s the end of the OG era as we discuss Charmed’s final season (in comic form!).
I made slime for the first time. It was an unparalleled disaster.
Hulk Hogan and Grace Jones starred in a horrible, horrible treasure movie and somehow nobody has heard of it. Probably because it didn’t have a finished script and nobody understood how comedy works. Adventure awaits! Cameo by The Big Show.
Special guest 8-Bit Mickey joins us to discuss an episode with evil babies, dancing around child loss, uhhh…fetus transference?? Look it’s bad. It’s really bad.
In 1995, the hit buddy cop comedy starring Whoopi Goldberg and an anthropomorphic dinosaur was thrust upon the world. That same year, the novelization of said film was written, with some interesting differences. Here’s my video about it!
Remember the film Species? Wouldn’t it be better if the lady was a frog?