• JDB15
    Comments: 16

    But seriously, great 100th episode. Heres to another 100. *holds up a 1-Up mushroom as a toast, then noms on it*

  • PickPikmin
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 26

    Great 100th episode Phelan. It’s been a great 100 episodes. *insert flashback*

  • Mr. Vermin
    Mr. Vermin
    Comments: 5

    Just signed up today.. sorry, I didn’t know there was a separate website but I’m glad I found it, this episode isn’t up on TGWTG yet so happy to be able to see it!

    great episode Phelous! I’d really like to see the original. I think at the time I first saw the remake…remake I thought it was alright since it seemed to have good effects and seemed twisty at the time, but as you point out, there are a lot of things that don’t make sense that kind if de-merit it a lot. I completely forgot Sam was in this.. definitely like him more in Supernatural!

    anyways, really enjoyed the episode and hopefully many more!

    p.s. was there an inside joke about Doug being upset about Mac and Me? I feel late to the party but definitely am a loyal fan now!

    • Phelous
      Comments: 625

      Oh it was a bit of a call back when Doug as NC had a cameo in Deaths of Ian Stone.

      • Mr. Vermin
        Mr. Vermin
        Comments: 5

        Thanks for letting me know! I’ll definitely check that one out (probably next) I should probably just be watching everything in order but I’ve enjoyed everything so far. love your reviews

        off topic, but do you have any hope for Silent Hill Downpour? If it’s anything like Homecoming then probably not. I completely agree that its way to combat heavy.

        • Phelous
          Comments: 625

          Downpour is by a different team that Homecoming at least but I’m not sure either way. I’m avoiding seeing a lot on it until just playing it and seeing how it is then.

          • Mr. Vermin
            Mr. Vermin
            Comments: 5

            I’m at least happy to know the homecoming team will have no part in it. I’m extremely stuck in it because of lack of ammo and health, I’m not sure how I’ll get passed this part. Just goes to show many of the fans of the original great SH’s are not cut out for heavy combat games >< thanks for that bit of information though, won't hold out too much hope but at least there is a little. I'd really hate to see the series die, but I'd really prefer to see it done right.

  • ggbhtg
    Comments: 68

    How DAAAAAAAAAAARE you actually celebrate 100 episodes instead of a now-irrelevant celebrity’s death! Also, how daaaaaare Androopy Doopy whine about video counts! It’s 100 episodes, not 100 separate movie reviews! :V You can only redeem yourself with this question!: Sounded like I heard a Tommy Wi-Show reference in there. What did you think of it? I haven’t seen it myself yet.

    Was not expecting a Buffy musical reference here. Kudos to you for that. Now let’s check wikipedia for the BIG (insert tv show/movie name here) Actor Moments!

    Hmm… Popular Mechanics For Kids, 24, One Tree Hill, One on One- ANACONDA 2?! Wowzers that’s big!. :V

    Here’s to another 100 eps of marganars.

  • Blippitybopity
    Comments: 5

    First Dean in the AVGN movie auditions video and now Sam here! What are you up to Phelous?

    Also how dare you not include the clip of Paris in the Supernatural show where Sam chops her head off! That’s it i’m never watching the Phelous super happy show again!

  • Drano
    Comments: 14

    Happy 100th Episode – again.

    These kind of Movies make me so sick.. they had so much money on their hands to make a real great, momentous, brilliant piece of cinema and yet they made a House of Wax-Version starring Paris Hilton.
    I’m ashamed of this world.

  • predalienking6
    Comments: 6

    I completely agree on this film sucking… HARD.

    Also, I can’t believe it, panda smiling… oh yeah, I liked Paris Hilton in “repo the genetic opera” but other than that she was just kinda annoying.

  • IncendiaryLemon
    Comments: 9

    Great 100th Episode…again!

    Hope you keep on making theses!

  • MFerV2
    Old Man
    Comments: 1

    Just wanted to congratulate you on your 100th Episodes and stuff!!!  (tear running down the cheekbone)  Anyway, since you accomplished a goal, what are your future vids going to be on?  I hope sometime in the future, you and your group can do a comeback to Mortal Komedy simply cause, I can’t get enough of it.  Its too damn funny.  I know you must get that request a lot so I will be one of the other idiots that asked. 



  • Razorgeist
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 35

    Congratulations on 100 episodes Phelous here’s to 100 more.

  • Deafmatch
    Comments: 10

    Congrats with your 100 cameo’s, I mean episodes… episodes.]


  • Nils B-Film
    Nils B-Film
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 21

    Wow, the Tommy Wiseau parts where hilarious. In all, a solid funny review. Maybe it’s just me, but this flick seems to be more of a rippoff of the 70s film Tourist Trap, even though that one made more sense in it being a supernatural force making dolls move like people, and that it took place in just one small location, not an entire comunity.

  • Kenny_Carmine
    Comments: 15

    I love your reviews! Thanks for 100 episodes of sheer awesome!

  • HandsomeRatch
    Comments: 14

    Just how much I hate this movie.
    I don’t even know why I hate it this much, I just do. Not even Paris Hilton’s death could make me smile when I watched this movie.

  • wraithblade999
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    i was wondering why so many lupa cameos? shes not funny so if you can add a little less of her i don’t mean to offend and its just a question so please don’t take it the wrong way

    • Phelous
      Comments: 625

      Yeah sure I can add less of her. I can also add less of me too which would be WAY better. Maybe I’ll do that.
      Might not be much of a show at that point but that’s fine sense I hate making these now RIGHT? *wink wink*

      • wraithblade999
        Old Man
        Comments: 2

        i seem to have offended you im sorry and no i dont want you to stop making your vids they are awesome (i will learn to deal with the lupa cameos for you cause honestly your a very funny reviewer)

  • Jon
    Old Man
    Comments: 1

    0:08 made me choke on my food. phelous is too cool lmao.

  • Fanglightwind
    Comments: 10

    congrats on your 2nd 100th episode cant wait to see what all u have planed for the future keep up the great work

  • bloodmaster
    Comments: 9

    this is one of the few horror remakes i like and its nice to see dewie crow from justified in something even if this was before the show. by the by it nice to see a movie where paris hilton is not on a phone when she gets shafted.


  • Scooter
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 35

    That’s no death pit, it’s a ROT PIT!!

  • DarkPythagoras
    Comments: 13

    As soon as I saw Chaos D1 pop up on the screen, I went “oh shit” and immediately grabbed my remote to turn the volume down before my speakers got blown out again. 

    Happy 100th episode even though it’s been almost 2 years.  

  • likalaruku
    Completely Useless Now
    Comments: 935

    The original House of Wax with Vincent Price was a million times better than this, as was the movie it was a remake of; Mystery of the Wax Museum. I rented them on a double-feature DVD, or maybe it was a rare dual sided DVD, if that’s even possible….Too long ago to remember.

  • likalaruku
    Completely Useless Now
    Comments: 935

    90% of the people who cameoed in this have left TGWTG, so sad, things changed to the bad. Who’s the girl with the wine glass?

  • likalaruku
    Completely Useless Now
    Comments: 935

    It’s weird how the part with Andrew at the end seems like it’s referencing episode 9 of “Baka to Test,” but outside of Dragonball, I never got the impression you watched anime.