• happymel2
    The Fuct of Pepsiman
    Comments: 228

    America’s Next Top Model used to be a legit model show teaching them about reading contracts and actual model stuff but then it jumped the shark when it hit double digits, I think. I think I stopped watching when season 10 started. You should totally read Tyra Banks’ fantasy novel by the way. 576 pages of WTH moments! ^.^

  • CyborgPrince
    Fighting Steffi Love
    Comments: 172

    Huh. And here I thought RuPaul got a little self indulgent on RPDR. He’s got nothing on the Glamazonian goddess that is Tyra Banks.

  • Laserface
    I'm THE BEST!
    Comments: 110

    Steve! WHAT BAR is Tyra Banks?