• likalaruku
    Completely Useless Now
    Comments: 935

    CA has changed too much. I think the glory days were 2008-2011.

    • Hottodoggu
      Comments: 10

      You are correct sir!

    • Kooshmeister
      I'm THE BEST!
      Comments: 108

      I agree. I’m more or less done with it. I don’t like the new site layout and with so many reviewers I liked having left it, there’s essentially no point in visiting it anymore. The fun and convenience of it being all my favorite reviewers under one roof is gone.

      • likalaruku
        Completely Useless Now
        Comments: 935

        The Brotherly Love spirit is gone, as most of the new reviewers weren’t big on crossovers. Half the people we “grew up on” have left, & Blistered Thumbs was dissolved.

        The worst was that it started feeling more like a money making business than a fun group of people enjoying their mutual hobby with others, which was the big appeal…It was a significantly smaller Youtube without the awful Youtube crowd.

        & terrible things always seen to coincidentally happen in 3s or more. Around the time I officially gave up on CA, Cracked.com turned into a Buzzfeed clone & drastically changed their layout, Penny Arcade did away with PA TV, & The Escapist lost their fofus on gaming while the once glorious anti-arguing forums turned into nothing but arguing about GamerGate.

  • Thepointman
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    I hear you man and can understand why you departed. I too feel like the site is just trying to cover too much ground. I originally started following the site for your and allison’s vids, spoony’s, brad’s, doug’s and matthew’s. There was a more personal feeling then and the crossovers and such were always hilarious. Not sure what happened but i could kind of tell things were taking a turn when spoony departed. Your vids kept me visiting the site that’s for sure, especially when it began to seem like the quality of vids posted to CA had taken a bit of a dip. Keep up the excellent work as I love your humor style, especially when you use references that long time viewers immediately can pick up and have a good laugh at. I know it can be a thankless job at times, many folks got into this line of work because of their passion for it, and that passion is often overshadowed by commercial interests and along the way the soul gets lost. I can definitely say with certainty that is not the case here and it is most refreshing.

  • Zoombie
    Comments: 7

    So, I created an account – despite being a fan of yours since…holy crap, has it really been 5 years? Jesus tap dancing Christ…




    I’ve read the two tumbler posts, and man, I can understand so much of what was rubbing me the wrong way about Doug’s videos for a while now. But I had no idea that CA was being that exploitative. As an author, I’ve seen quite a few people get suckered by the “oh, don’t worry, we’ll provide exposure!” scams that exist out there – like Publish America. I find it utterly, and completely inexcusable for people to do that. Work is work. And work should be paid for.


    I’ve created a whole new bookmark tab for ex-CA peeps, so I can keep watching their stuff.


    (Also, all those To Boldly Flee jokes in your latest videos make sooo much more sense now!)

    • Phelous
      Comments: 625

      Heh, well all the silliness of CA aside I still think TBF is a pretty bad movie where the comedy and “serious” parts feel at odds which each other and has too many parts where there are direct quotes from other movies with not enough changed to actually made it a parody rather than a rip. So that’s why I liked to take shots at it, of course the behind the scenes still certainly didn’t help my opinion of the film.

      • Zoombie
        Comments: 7


        …also, oh my gosh, Phelous responded to my comment, ahhhhhhhhhh *runs in circles*

      • POSTOS
        Comments: 5

        I remember in something shorty after TBF when Doug (who I still usually like) made a bunch of disparaging remarks about Scrubs’ tendency to go from funny to sad. I remember even then saying “the only difference between you and Scrubs is that they’re good at it!”
        I was one of the many who were recently rejected in their recent talent scouting, and man, now I think I really dodged a bullet!
        (by the way, thanks for actually visible captcha!)

      • about3minutes
        Comments: 5

        That’s funny, To Boldly Flee was actually what drew me back in to TGWTG again. (Oh, wait, pardon me– CHANNEL AWESOME) To me it was the best movie I’d seen from the site, I really liked the concept and story, I thought it utilized everyone nicely, and I thought it was a good note for the Critic to end on.

        …And then he just came back three months later…

        But that’s not the point. Obviously To Boldly Flee wasn’t perfect. There were a few things I would’ve done differently. But, I definitely thought it topped the anniversary movies that came before it. And it helped that I came in while it was still in progress– as opposed to Kickassia and Suburban Knights, which had all of their parts released by the time I saw them– so that this time I had to wait in anticipation. Because, I’m not going to lie, the plot actually had me hooked. And the characters, too.

        Anyway. I liked it just fine. Just wanted to put that out there. (I probably haven’t seen enough of what was being parodied and whatnot to understand all of the references, but it sounds like there were WAY more than the ones I recognized)

  • DrPenguinstein
    Comments: 13

    You have my support guys. Since the site became Channel Awesome, things kind of went downhill. Doug’s content doesn’t really have me going back there and with most of the new critics I find myself overwhelmed with and gravitating away from. From what you guys posted it sounds like you and Allison deserved better. I admit while I’ll still be watching Linkara (his videos are actually teaching me how to write a comic) and Brad (I love the Cinema Snob and DVD-R Hell), I won’t be doing it from Channel Awesome and will be watching it from their respective sites.

    Anyway you guys are awesome and can’t wait to seeing you and Allison’s future videos. Best of Luck.

    • DrPenguinstein
      Comments: 13

      see you and Allison’s*

    • Hottodoggu
      Comments: 10

      I agree with you there, after TBF and when the NC came back the content for the Nostalgia Critic has been just awful, with long dragged out skits, painfully bland forced commentary and just unfunny writing..

      I used to love NC but that character should have just had stay dead.

      But whatever, I still have Phelous, Lupa/Allison, Brad, and Linkara’s sites to go too.

  • Relaxo
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 23

    Yup, Made an account here just to finalize the whole thing. I’m not setting foot on CA proper again.

    Anyone I like from there, I’m going right to their Blip.

    Old Man
    Comments: 1

    Sorry to hear how things ended with CA between you guys.

    After it’s site reboot, I was thinking how crowded it seemed too. Oh well whatever.

    Thanks for all the videos. They’re funny and I enjoy your humor. Glad I can help on Patreon 🙂

    So I guess a TBF review coming then? hahaha


  • Zetto
    Comments: 16

    I agree with ACLTY above: you and/or Allison should totally do a TBF review. At the very least, it might provide catharsis and/or closure.

    I do have a question/comment, though. Linkara mentioned in a recent post that Blip’s ad revenue is “in the crapper”, and I know that I haven’t had any ads on any Blip videos since early January (I live in Canada, but I’ve also seen other non-US folks saying the same thing here and there). He also said that CA is planning on moving to another video-hosting service called Screenwave. Are you guys planning on moving to the same or a similar service? I’m very glad that your guys’ Patreons are doing well, but I (and I assume others as well) can’t afford to contribute to those, and I’d like to keep helping you guys as much as I can by watching your videos.

    And of course, well wishes to you, Lupa and Andrew, and I’ll continue to watch your videos here and on Youtube (at least I get ads on those).

  • t1337dude
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 31

    Well Phelous, I’ve been following the TGWTG site for about 5 years now and to me you’ve always been undoubtedly the most talented producer on the site. It’s unfortunate they weren’t recognizing your huge contribution to their site. They should have been constantly thanking you for the awesome content you’ve put on their site, I wouldn’t have been visiting it nearly as much without it. Without meaning to speak negatively about the others on that site, I noticed a general dip in the quality of content while you’ve always been consistent. Parting ways makes enough sense, it’s just unfortunate it had to happen under negative circumstances.

  • NewbieDotCom.Com
    Comments: 11

    At least all your content lives on a shiny new site (on a shiny new server I might add– posting this test comment to show it’s on the new server!)

  • Kinnikufan
    Old Man
    Comments: 4

    Just wanted to leave a comment of support here. I’ve been frequenting TGWTG for about 3 or 4 years now and TBF was actually the first anniversary special I watched. I remember liking it, but then again it was segmented, so I watched it over the course of several days. Still need to watch the other ones (Kickassia and Suburban Knights).

    Anyway, I started watching your videos because you were the only person on the site without a drop-down menu for your name, of all reasons. I still go back and watch the James Nguyen Trilogy reviews, the Triangle review, as well as a few others just because they’re so much fun to rewatch. So I’ll keep watching your new stuff (really looking forward to the end of MKC) and support the others (Allison and Andrew) as well. Totally just learned a year or two ago that Andrew made one of my favorite Newgrounds videos, so I’m glad he still does goofy stuff.

    • Phelous
      Comments: 625

      Yeah, I never knew why my vids weren’t split into sections on there ever. I tried to actually get them into sections once but they never did it. But on that site it was probably just as easy looking through ALL the links at once rather than navigating the annoying drop downs.

  • Trixie_is_best
    Bat Hero
    Comments: 83

    Granted I still go to CA mainly for Linkara, sometimes new Critic, and a few other shows, I do like all the work Phelean and other put into their shows.  Actually just joined recently so I can finally comment on many of the episodes I like.  Still like the two part of Time Machine (I found at a yardsale) and Lion and the King.

    Even after you guys left, I can understand why partly do to the new talent they have their, yet, you can add some new talent here to.  From cross overs I watched of both Linkara and Lupa was with Isle of Rangoon.  IMO, they look great to do future work with even if its just cross overs from time to time.

    Still, either from TGWTG or your own site, I never to do tire of the work you guys do in riffs, reviews or cross overs.

    • Phelous
      Comments: 625

      Thanks! We actually will appear in another vid with the Isle of Rangoon guys as we shot bits for one of their mega crossovers on Foodfight! Which they are working on now.

      • Trixie_is_best
        Bat Hero
        Comments: 83

        That is good to hear, I do find them as a fun bunch to work with and are good with reviews and riffing of their own.

        Just out of curiosity though, have you guys thought of a Halloween crossover between Halloweenie and Radu. That would just be awesome.

  • Tomppa
    Old Man
    Comments: 3

    I decided to finally register here after you left CA. Sorry to hear that it ended like that but once one door closes another opens, right?

    I’ve been watching your videos for a couple years now. I obviously found TGWTG by watching NC videos like probably most people but once I’d caught up on all of his videos I started to look around the site for other funny people and that’s how I ended up watching your videos.At first I really didn’t care for your style of humor but after watching a couple of your videos I started to find them funny and you’ve been one of my favorite content producers on TGWTG/CA ever since. There really aren’t that many people there whose videos I bother to regularly watch and just like many other I feel that even Doug hasn’t been as entertaining after his comeback. It just isn’t the same anymore. But somehow you’ve managed to keep the quality consistent so congrats for that.

    Like others here I don’t really care to go on CA either since there aren’t that many people worthy to follow anymore. I tried checking out videos from all of the new people but it was a chore due to sheer number of them and I couldn’t manage to find more than 1, maybe 2 producers whose content I might care to follow. I’m sure all of them have passion and some talent but they just didn’t feel like something I really enjoyed. I can always check out the stuff Brad, Sage, MikeJ, Linkara and you and Allison put out on your Blip or respective sites so it’s all good. Same goes for Spoony, ScifiGuy and Suede if/when they do have the time to update

  • poetbryanpaul
    Old Man
    Comments: 1

    Keep up the good work, Phelan and Allison! It was the TGWTG site that originally led me to find this site and the cinema snob and I check them both out regularly and Linkara’s on occasion. I was never a big fan of Doug’s videos and nothing against the guy personally, but I probably won’t be checking out channel awesome much anymore. I have no reason to. Anyway, now I’ve registered here and maybe I’ll put in an occasional comment. You guys are great!

  • Ottomic
    Comments: 19

    I’ve never been a fan of Allison and what I understood from her part on the Spoonygate didn’t exactly rub me the right way, but now I kinda personally feel like re-examining that now that CA is out of the picture. It also feels less contradictory for me to watch Baywatching and I even enjoyed the first Movie Nights quite a bit, despite the slow start and the general awkwardness. At any rate, I’m not against Channel Awesome trying to make a living out of their vloggers but the mismanagement and obsolency of their model is very evident and I hope it blows back on their faces. They’ve chosen to go with junk content and junk contributors and they will end up with junk audience. Hardly the way to go for any website worth its salt.

    • Phelous
      Comments: 625

      What happened with Noah was an argument that got blown way out of proportion due to other people running with it and thinking Allison somehow had much more power in CA than any of us ever did.
      We’ve both talked to him since and things have been fine for a long while now.

  • Altocat
    Old Man
    Comments: 1

    Hi Phelous. Long-time fan.

    Just wanted to say I’m sorry it ended this way. CA really has gone downhill since the old days. But still glad to see you’re still making videos! You and OL are great at what you do.

  • Ager Sonus
    Ager Sonus
    Old Man
    Comments: 1

    Hey, Phelous! I also finally came around and registered to the site even though I have been following you since the good-ol’ “Resident Hazard” videos. Your and Allison’s posts about the behind-the-scenes of Channel Soandso actually confirmed a lot of things that I was suspecting, I rarely visited the site after they started doing skits with their studio actor’s, it felt way to forced, and yeah, like you said, crowded.

    Like I already said on Twitter I will follow you guys wherever, your videos always put me in a good mood.

  • Foxgloves
    Old Man
    Comments: 1

    Congrats you guys for doing your own thing! I’m definitely bookmarking!

    I never read up on or kept up with any behind-the-scenes CA stuff, but yeah, the atmosphere and attitude just changed drastically in the past few years, enough for any casual viewer to notice. Some video content on CA started making me feel really patronized, which you guys never did, so thank you so much for that. <3

    (Also oh my God, I’m only just now realizing not getting my To Boldly Flee + other items order was not a lost in the mail situation, it happened to so many people. They never responded to my attempt to contact them about it… I paid like 70 bucks. I can’t believe they even pocketed the international shipping fee. Man, I’m seriously heartbroken, I really trusted them.)

    But to end on a good note, I’m really excited to follow you guys here. I’m not big on commenting, but I’ll be watching for sure <3<3<3

  • Troggyman
    Bat Hero
    Comments: 90

    Happy to see that you left at the right time. I had already removed the link by the time this happened due to the new site being a confusing mess. Brad is the only one I still watch from CA, as everyone else I cared for left.

    Hearing of what happened to that quiz show and some really shady practices you all did well in leaving the site before it got real ugly.
    May there be comradery once again!

  • Punkster
    Comments: 17

    Holy shit! I just read that posts where you both posted up posts… eh… post.

    I am late to the party as usual, I had no idea as to any of this and for weeks and weeks I was wondering why there was no new videos from yourself and Alison. Then today I noticed that your names weren’t even listed.

    Every day I was looking for some information in that cluster f*ck that is the Channel Awesome Home Page as to where your videos were. I actually joined your site a few months back, because I wanted to see part 2 of a video you posted and some dude said in the comments that your own site had already uploaded it. I was unaware you had your own site at that point.

    Like many others have said, I’m not a fan of Nostalgia Critic but I am not about to slag the guy off, it would feel like a cheap shot. I only ever used the site to watch Matthew Buck, Welshy, Brad Jones and yourselves. Although I seldom leave comments.

    I am basically just typing this to show you my support and to say that I find your reviews really quite creative and most importantly funny. In fact one of my favourite scenes from your vids is the one where you play a character dressed up like a certain guy with glasses and called yourself Mr. Explainy Pants. That had me in stitches, as has many other stuff you have done, things like The Time Machine I Found At A Yard Sale, the Halloweenie product reviews and the explosion filled Birdemic 2, but I have a more serious question for you. (feel free to ignore it)

    Are you still suffering from depression and/or has this departure from “Channel Also,” Aided in you feeling much better? I know it is a very personal question and I deserve no answer but I ask out of my own desperation with the illness, not to mention concern for you.

    If there is anything positive to take awa from this and that is, Channel Awesome is just a complete mess now, while I know you don’t likely want them to fail, I believe if they keep up this sort of contempt for their producers… fail they will.

    It’s a shame but onwards and upwards eh? To infinity and beyond… or some sh*te like that.

    Best of luck to all of you.

  • waffleboi9
    Old Man
    Comments: 3

    Congrats man. I think this was the right move. I just found out about all this stuff and immediately went to your Patreon to chip in. Keep making videos, man. Hope to see you at a convention

  • ZonateFever
    Old Man
    Comments: 3

    Channel Awesome is #You’reDoneBud lol, bookmark there is gone, bookmark here is in. Your site is simple to navigate and better looking haha You and Allisons videos are really the only ones I admittedly enjoy anymore, the humour just works for me. Bootleg Zones, Lets Eat, Resident Evil Lets Play are all right on the money for me, chances of future Resident evil games play through?

    Anyways keep up the good work 🙂

    Old Man
    Comments: 4

    You’re the man Phelous, I watch your shows over and over, always good for a laugh.

    Excited for you to review more movies, if you ever get around to more aha, but the Bootleg Zones is funny as hell too, favourite is the Thomas The Tank Engine Transformer.


  • RunTheJewels
    Comments: 12

    After reading all this stuff, glad to hear that you guys broke away from all that nonsense. NC may have been the flagship of TGWTG but it was people like you, Lupa, Kyle Kallgren, and NChick who made the site worth visiting on a daily basis.  Considering what is left of CA I think they are going to regret treating so many people like crap sooner rather than later.

  • AndrewEB
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    Yeah, another newbie who decided to join the site. 😛

    Granted, I still watch some videos on CA, mainly Linkara, AngryJoe, MikeJ, and Doug Walker’s stuff. But it does seem that the organization seems to have been suffering from something I would like to call “Mainstream Syndrome.” Once something becomes mainstream, the things that made you laugh just don’t seem to do it anymore. From the looks of it I think a huge chunk of the issues with CA mainly deals with Mike, he sounds like a complete asshole (especially in Lupa’s post.)

  • AndrewEB
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    Whoops, forgot to add ToddintheShadows to the list of people who I prefer to watch on CA, as well as Chez Apocalypse.

  • waffleboi9
    Old Man
    Comments: 3

    Hey man, glad to see you and Allison have broken free.

    I am now an official Patron, and can’t wait to see more stuff. I’d much rather support you directly.

    I’ve seen so many relationships (professional and personal) die because of poor communication. It sounds like CA was horrible to work with. Sorry about that, man. At least you can learn from it. I imagine a lot of kids right now are starting youtube channels and joining these content networks with the hopes of getting “exposure” in exchange for creating stuff for free.

    I first saw your videos on CA but pretty much immediately started visited your site directly, so it won’t be a big change for me. I don’t even recognize the CA site any more. And who are all these characters Doug has?

    What I like a lot about your shows is that you always try to keep things fresh. Yes, you have running gags, you have continuity, but then just as a trope is starting to get stale, you subvert it (e.g. the Phelous Who period, with a very simple resolution….OR WAS IT?!?).

    Keep it up!

  • about3minutes
    Comments: 5

    Yep– I find myself going to this site much more often now than CA. I’ll always remember the enjoyment that site brought me in the past, but I really do think it’s grown out of the control these days, and it’s not the place it once was. You guys, on the other hand, have always had some of the best content and funniest humor I’ve seen. You & Lupa, Panda & Welshy, Brad Jones, etc. And hearing about this tuen of events from the two of you in particular just raises my respect for you even more. Here’s to the great things we’ll be seeing from you guys in the future!

  • UltraTurboJack
    Comments: 17

    It’s too bad. Channel Awesome will be loosing some of it’s most talented members… Oh well! It’s not like Phelous.com is going down with it! Only within the last 2 years had we begun to watch Phelan and Allison (which, trust me, we regret) so we’re glad we could discover you guys before this fiasco.

    It’s great to see your site up and running again. I’ve been trying to see what’s new on here for a couple of days now. Alison and Phelan need to do another Mary Kate and Ashley themed Movie Night. Phelan’s pain makes me and my lady friend giggle with glee!

  • AintPriceRight
    Old Man
    Comments: 1

    You know… I kind of felt it, a long, long time ago that you were over it, Phelous. You might be deadpan all the time, but just the overall shift in mood with Channel Awesome was tangible. They just kept adding, and adding, and adding content producers, running the gamut of interests, which is fine, but what happens when people feel lost in the shuffle?

    It feels like a lack of quality control on their parts, and instead of making sure that their longtime talent received seniority (Easiest access to their material, and perhaps some real incentive for continuing to provide it) instead of just giving Doug his atypical top billing, and forcing everyone to go fish.

    As big of a fan as I am of Doug’s work, their business ethics leave a lot to be desired. Spoony touched on a bit of it, but he stands to gain little. As a loyal viewer of all you, Doug has to realize he’s lost quite a few of his best content creators, and I’m just waiting for Linkara to finally be fed up as well.  One by one the dominoes fall until the empire does it seems.

    Regardless, I’m signed up, and want to thank you for what you do for us. As soon as I can donate, I will be doing so in spades. Your stuff has gotten me through rough, unfunny times, and I’ve used public wifi to try to watch all I could when I didn’t have it at home.
    I appreciate it.

  • EpicFish
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 25

    I’ve been going to everyone’s personal websites for awhile now, so I really don’t follow Channel Awesome anymore. I’ll occasionally pop in to watch videos Doug and Rob do together, but as for any other reviewer… Well, I find myself enjoying Omega’s What Went Right, I’ll watch if Lewis (Linkara) puts out a new History of the Power Rangers or Longbox of the Damned during October, and any other new reviewer, I just look in to see if they have a YouTube, and follow them there.

    I know everyone’s saying they first noticed the change when Noah left, but for me, it was when Welshy stopped making videos…and then Justin passed… I dunno. So much changed.

    Anyway, I wish you guys luck in all your endeavors! If I had any suggestions for video content, I really enjoyed Phelan and Allison doing LPs. I know it’s not the usual thing you guys do, but I found the ones you did make pretty hilarious. I seriously can’t listen to anyone talk about Resident Evil with just shouting in my best Phelan impersonation, “Barry, you fucking idiot!!”

  • browned79
    Comments: 8

    It is unfortunate that the “parting of ways” occurred in the manner that it did. I have said plenty about what should change at CA.  I want to be optimistic that something good will come out of this in terms of CA policies and practices.

    I still check out Channel Awesome, I still watch Doug’s reviews, and the content from the current affiliated video producers.  I want to be optimistic, but the number of video producers at CA that I have come to enjoy (over the years) is getting smaller.  Why should CA care about that?

    Well, if I cannot watch Phelous (and company) videos at CA, that may mean that I am less likely to visit CA as often as I might.  Less likely to spend time getting to know some of the newer video producers.  Less likely to watch/click on the ads.



  • bird
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    Thank you for posting this and the links. When people are being treated like shit they need to stand up, shout out & fight back. That’s what this renewed site is and I applaud you for doing it.

    Also a thank you to thecinemasnob.com for posting the crossover video. I don’t follow twitter, tumblr, or facebook so I had no idea that your videos had moved or why. I thought maybe you were both taking a break from making vidoes. Now that I know you have at least one more view per video.

  • WolfQueen87
    Comments: 10

    Wow… I mean it really felt like things have been different on that site but I didn’t realize how much BS was going on behind the scenes. Truthfully I haven’t been too interested in Doug’s videos in a long time anymore so I was mostly going there for Phelous anyway. It threw me for a loop when I got on one day and he was gone. I’ve barely been on CA since then. :/

  • Jellax-Jedi
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 24

    I’ve gravitated away from CA when they moved from TGWTG.com. While I still enjoy Doug’s work he doesn’t have me coming back anymore. Most of the time I come here, Brad’s or to Linkara’s site for videos. The site got too big for it’s own good and now it’s collapsing under it’s own weight. I just never realized all the BS behind the scenes. I never really was interested in Spoony’s videos but it surprised me when he left. Now it seems lots of people are leaving or planning to leave.

  • EnjoiIsGood
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    Wow. I just now read about you and Lupa leaving CA, and at first I thought it was because of creative differences. But after reading this, and the comments here, it is kinda true. The “team” itself has gotten pretty huge in recent years, yet there is only a select few that I watch from there. And by few, I mean Brad, The Rap Critic, and Doug. And I just now gotten into watching your videos, with my first being your Incubus review.

  • Beau
    Comments: 5

    I remember you and Lupa being part of TGWTG and everything seemed fine. Admittedly I never kept in touch with ANYTHING related to this over the years. I’m glad everyone stood their ground. These actions are inexcusable for a large organized group. Firing their PR woman after she had surgery just enraged me. So are you all going independent now or what? I’m curious to see the future of this website.

  • CyborgPrince
    Fighting Steffi Love
    Comments: 172

    I finally decided to create an account for this site, so I’m finally going to throw in my two cents, even though it’s been over half a year.

    I was quite shocked and was kind of upset when I discovered what happened between you guys and CA, especially how Allison was pretty much bounced out on her ass after almost 5 years of submitting content for TGWTG. Actually, Obscurus Lupa was one of the first other reviewers I started watching on TGWTG besides Nostalgia Critic. I’ve been watching her stuff since 2011 and Phelous’ stuff since 2013. To find your stuff deleted from the entire website after watching your stuff for so long, plus all the years you contributed to the site, it made me angry. Plus the fact that when Phelous quit, there went the representative of us Maritimers on CA.

    Up until this year, if someone asked if I was a Channel Awesome fan, I would have said “yes”. Now, I’d be hesitant to answer. I still go there, but my feelings for many of the producers have changed. For the ones I still really like, like Brad Jones, I go to their own websites.

    Truth be told, had this not happened, I’d probably be still drinking the CA kool-aid. In fact it was this event that got me to start listening to LordKat’s podcasts and to find out just how shady the whole company seems to be. While I do think that LordKat goes a bit overboard sometimes, he does bring up a few good points and I’m glad that he refuses to be PC about it. Plus having other former CA members on his podcasts that won’t hesitate to join in really does say something about the company and how it treated its content producers, I do think.

    By the way, Pop Quiz Hotshot is still ‘meh’. It’s a lot better than the pilot episode with Brad ‘I’m-aware-of-how-much-this-sucks’ Jones, but still not the best. It holds my attention, but sometimes just barely. Plus I still don’t get the pointless opening challenge they have. It still bears no consequence on the final outcome.

    Anyway, that’s my two cents (though I think I made it a dollar). I don’t know if either Phelan or Allison will read this, but I just wanted to get my thoughts out on what happened.

    • Phelous
      Comments: 625

      Welcome to the site!

      Yeah, it sucks how things ended up with CA but we’re both a lot happier now, in fact I think everyone who’s left there is, heh.

      • CyborgPrince
        Fighting Steffi Love
        Comments: 172

        Well that’s good if you guys are happier now. It’s best to cut ties with things if all it does is give negative energy.

      • Spritle101
        Comments: 5

        I was a casual TGWTG viewer. I’d come once a month & binge watch content for the weekend. Now everyone’s gone, the backlog is gone, Blip is gone. Same issue with Reviewtopia.


        Say, what happened to Welshy, Sad Panda, & Benzaie? Andrew seems to have stopped making videos & title cards for you as well.

        • Phelous
          Comments: 625

          Welshy has been busy, Julien and Ben mostly do content in French now. Andrew was mostly working on his web comic for a while but has told me E-Heroes will be returning in a bit.