What’s this? Blood A new website?!? What does this mean?
It means the new Phelous.com is now online!
Hi, I’m Lorne Kates, and I’ve been working with Phelous to bring you the new and improved website. Everyone at Phelous HQ International Incorporated (LLC) is super excited to bring you this much, much (MUCH) needed update to the site. The new layout is designed to help you find videos better and faster. Try out the spiffy new search function up above. Browse through video lists based on Producers, or shows, or tags!
The site is also designed to be much more user-friendly on tablets and phones. There will be even more improvements coming soon for phone-sized screens.
There will also be much more content on the site. As you can see from the title bar above, in addition to Obscurus Lupa, the site will also be hosting videos from Andrew Dickman, SadPanda, and Welshy. We’ll also be bringing you videos from other producers, in the Phriends of Phelous section.
As with all new websites, there may be a few bumps and hiccups during the shakedown phase. I apologize in advance for any issues you may encounter, or any slowness that may occur as I fine tune things around here. If you encounter any issues, or you have any feedback at all, please submit a bug via the “Bork Report” on the sidebar. This will help us track and respond to bugs much faster. If you have any problems with the bug submission tool, you can also email me directly at lkates@gmail.com. Please be sure to include “Phelous” in the subject somewhere, so it doesn’t get caught in the spam traps.
6 Comments Comments RSS
Well that works.
This all sounds great!
Also, this is a clear confirmation that SadPanda and Welshy will be making videos again! (No tag-backs)
MY GAWD!!! The website has been redesigned completely!
Nice new layout. Glad you didn’t change the color scheme; the blue is very easy on the eyes.
The post editing feature needs to make a comeback though.
Do you mean comment editing? Like, so when you post a comment you can make an edit to it (presumable for a period of time)?