Seventh Moon

If annoying shakey cam movies shot in the dark with the intention to make you ill are your thing, IT’S SEVENTH MOON!


  • ninjadnice
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 25

    Yeah I see how some things did look like it could be scary if it was shot differently. But holy hell, whenever you showed footage I was getting a headache too. Maybe the director thought that queasy feeling he had watching this shit storm was fear… what an idiot. I have to mention too that whenever it went from movie footage to you being hilarious, you were so bright in comparison that it hurt my eyes switching so drastically back and forth. Loved the shirt joke, drummer guy joke (too bad he’s already gone, maybe a comeback?), and too bad there are sooo many trolls hating on you and Lupa. It’s a shame how immature people get on the internet. Keep up the good video reviews!!!! And damn man you deserve a medal or something for watching this even once let alone mulitiple times for a review, talk about dedication. Keep up the work.


    Sincerely from a fan,

                                David H.

  • dennett316
    Comments: 13

    Even though Lupa isn’t in this video, she still somehow ruined it because it wasn’t up to the standards of the first video of yours that I ever saw, and since I hate change, that means you now are rubbish and I hate your awesome reviews that entertain me for free.

    In all seriousness though, you still suck.  This movie has no reason to be the way it is, since when has ‘poorly shot’ become a stylistic choice?  Still better than Five Across the Eyes though…that had five annoying characters while this only has two, three if you count Ping Morita.


    I’ve rambled enough, great job Phelous…0/10.

  • Rakmi
    Comments: 78

    Phelous you totally ruin Lupa’s videos stop appearing in them god like what the fuck i mean dude come on bro

  • astrakhan
    Comments: 8

    Ping must be related to KLANG! from Star Trek Enterprise.

  • Steve3
    I'm THE BEST!
    Comments: 104

    Wow I can’t believe you didn’t call attention to the many SEVENTH MOON ACTOR MOMENTs in this movie, I’m sure your emailers will be pointing them out for you.

  • SsnakeBite
    Comments: 76

    Okay, seriously folks, can we cut the “people didn’t like the crossovers and must be flogged to death for it” crap and actually get to reviews and discussing them? Yeah some of them were just insulting, but I’m getting pretty tired of seeing nothing but comments about how horrible comments left months ago on other videos were. It’s just as irritating as seeing the actual comments back then. So let us all please move on.

    Anyway, about the review. Good stuff, Phelous, your videos seem to keep improving these days. If there’s only one thing I would remove from that one though, it’d be the mountain king fuck you” bit which kind of goes on a bit too long, though I guess I’d be pretty pissed too if I had to sit through this whole thing AND see it again for editing.

    • Rakmi
      Comments: 78

      A fine sentiment, but you really should realize that your word doesn’t mean anything. So suck it up, you aren’t going to change anything.

      • SsnakeBite
        Comments: 76

        Er, I never said my word is worth more than anyobody else’s and with all due respect, unless you can see into the future, I don’t see how you can be so sure that it won’t change a thing and even if you do end up being right, how exactly does that mean I should “suck it up”?

        • Rakmi
          Comments: 78

          And I never said that you said that. And no, I can’t see into the future, nor did I claim I could. I can only predict that you won’t stop people making comments about earlier comments. It means you should accept the fact that people are going to make those comments, even if you say they shouldn’t. I thought that was pretty obvious, but whatever.

          • SsnakeBite
            Comments: 76

            Ah, alright. Sorry if I came off a bit bitchy here. I guess you’re right but hey, doesn’t cost anything to at least try to change things. After all, at best I succeed and things get better, at worst I fail and things don’t get worse.

          • Rakmi
            Comments: 78

            Just sayin’, you’re basically doing the same thing as the Lupa-crossover-complainers.

      • nickthebastard
        Comments: 15

        Oh, another mature individual (TM). Yes, most certainly people won’t stop doing whatever stupid stuff it is that they do, but one can (and should, why not?) still express their opinion on the matter regardless of whether or not they are making a difference.

      • nickthebastard
        Comments: 15

        Kind of how you are not changing anything by telling people to shut up but still do so anyway.

  • Octo Seven
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 37

    This review was so awesome that I can’t pick out a favourite part.

  • Nils B-Film
    Nils B-Film
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 21

    Gah. Another shakey-shit film. Feels like the go-to style of film making when the production team don’t want the pain of decent technical filming. Funny review. Laughed most when the running gag of spitting out your own verbal sound effects appearing again at the end!

  • Makoto
    Old Man
    Comments: 4

    Wow this dark, shaky, blurry, barely viewable piece of shit has to be one of the few films I’ve ever seen where having a pirate copy of it would be no more different than the actual “DVD” release.

    Great review as always Phelous, and whats this about you watching the movie with that other person… arrrggh you’ve made me so mad I now refuse to watch anymore of your reviews EVER!!!

    …So erm yeah same time next week then, alright cool oh and please put me out of my misery and up the next part of Tender Loving Care.

    I have to know whether allison makes it through that god awful ordeal or not… err and that other allison watching it too I guess XD

    P.S. Just wanted to say that Im not actually asking you to up tender loving care, Im just joking about that part… or all of it whatever.

    EDIT: Im not quite sure what your problem is SsnakeBite, as if its not blatantly obvious to you I was joking and hold no grudge to anyone.

    And said what I said purely for humours sake nothing more, also I’d suggested you learn to deal with other peoples opinions and sense of humour.

    As the internet or should I say more specifically internet forums, chat rooms, message boards etc are no place for you sir.

  • Dexy22
    Comments: 7

    Great review as always Phelous, but for some reason I can’t watch your newer videos in HD since you started hosting them on a different website, any idea how to rectify this?

  • flare100
    Old Man
    Comments: 3

    Phelous, could you stop with the snarky Lupa comments in your videos already? They just seem so petty. Good review asides.

  • Registry
    Old Man
    Comments: 1

    Just joined to post this – the video will not play for me after 11:05 for some reason, on both Firefox and Chrome. I’ve never had this problem watching a Phelous video before, just on this one. What is wrong?

  • Steve3
    I'm THE BEST!
    Comments: 104

    I don’t think that was directed at you. I took it to be aimed more generally, perhaps even at Phelous, since the haters gonna hate no matter how many times he reminds them to shove it.

  • IncendiaryLemon
    Comments: 9

    I just noticed  when reviewing the day scenes your shirt is orange whilst it is blue during the night scenes. I always love the small subtle things in your videos. Good Job!

  • obsolete
    Prodigy Pet Gym Leader
    Comments: 122

    funny enough i started watching this review with the power on, then the  power went out and i ended up watching the rest of this review in the dark, quite fitting really. 23 hours later and my power returns

  • rex1983
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    This movie is actually made by the same people who made the Blair Witch Project.

    Seeming how you disliked this movie I really wonder how you like the other horror movie they made called Solstice, I actually enjoyed solstice and am really wondering what you think.

    As for this movie YES it SUCKS!! But luckilly your review didn’t, keep up the good work and keep up ignoring people who can only complain.

  • megadolaon
    Bat Hero
    Comments: 82

    first, YES! New “horror” movie review. Second, I need to puke. I get the title card now xD. Third, “girl that ruins your videos”

    It’s obviously not Lupa. So are you talking about Red Sarah?

  • megadolaon
    Bat Hero
    Comments: 82

    I don’t like posting twice in a row. But I must ask! Was that a person behind you the entire time during the review? It’s like a figure in the shadow of the door, toward the back O_o

  • HyperMushrambo
    Old Man
    Comments: 3

    o.o hot damn Phelen is getting some nice arms… Random thought of the moment…

  • Irksum
    Comments: 5

    Awesome review as always.  I had completely forgotten this movie existed and the 87 mins I spent watching it had completely blacked out of my mind.  But now, after watching your review I…  still don’t remember the first time I watched it.  Your review will forever be a reminder to me of how much I forgot and still can’t remember how much I hate this movie.

  • Cantseeaphuckingthing
    Old Man
    Comments: 1

    Kinda hard to me to remember your best moments right now, but the.. “I can’t see a fucking thing” song(?) is funny no matter how many times I hear it, so it’s definitely one of them. It’s amazing.

  • joshmartyn
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 20

    why are everyone complaning in the comments? i’m just watching eating chips

  • Dejablue
    Comments: 65

    I watched this and turned my screen brightness up to 100.  Still complete darkness!

  • Hiker Blaine
    Hiker Blaine
    Old Man
    Comments: 1

    Wow that is some horrible camera work. Maybe they were going for a found footage feel even though no one was established as a character holding a camera and filming the whole time… so why do that in the first place? Such a puzzling decision.

  • M Chambers
    Comments: 67

    1:50 Just like I told Doug, Pat Morita wasn’t Chinese!


    The makers of the most recent ‘Karate Kid’ movie also needed to learn this. As well as the fact that karate isn’t Chinese either!

  • likalaruku
    Completely Useless Now
    Comments: 935

    Man, & I thought the shaky cam during action scenes in Blindspot was annoying. This is even worse than REC & The Blaire Witch Project combined, like it was filmed during an earthquake at night.