This is Pokemon like you’ve never seen it before! This is the side of Pokemon Nintendo doesn’t want you to know about! This is how it really was in 1999 playing the Pokemon Card Game ! Get ready to put the Smackdown with your Pokemon and Ernie Hudson!

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A fascinating little pop culture sidebar.
No doubt about it, Ernie Hudson rocks!
I never got into the cards or the other merch, but I enjoyed the games on my GBC, and even watched the anime a little, even though I was supposed to be too old for them. Jamie whatsisface reminds me a little of a slightly heftier David Arquette.
Thanks for checking this out and highlighting it, this fits in nicely with those “unauthorized” guides to games in print and VHS from the 90s…but this had a lot more nonsense in it.
Ernie Hudson does indeed rock, but so does Ztorm’s Pokemon Combat Rap. “I lay the smack down with my Pokemon, Pokemon Combat!”
Even when growing up around the height of the Pokemon craze I only really liked Charmander and that was about it. I never played the card game or any of the video games, I didn’t even watch the cartoon. But thank you for introducing me to the BOP that is Pokemon Combat Rap!
I was really into turn based JRPGs as a kid and teen (still am!) and Pokemon was kind of new and novel at the time.
Instead of a world of swords and demons, it was a modern world. Instead of a set party of adventurers, you were constantly acquiring and changing your team with different monsters.
Fast forward over two decades and a zillion games later, it’s still a decent franchise apparently (I’ve picked one up here and there on GBA and one on 3DS) …though repetitive.