Michelangelo creates a pirate radio station out of the turtle humvee and Bonesteel takes over a pizzeria. Then, Mikey decides to throw an animal rights fundraiser and a Clockwork Orange rip off gang shows up.

Michelangelo creates a pirate radio station out of the turtle humvee and Bonesteel takes over a pizzeria. Then, Mikey decides to throw an animal rights fundraiser and a Clockwork Orange rip off gang shows up.
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“Dude, let’s throw a Clockwork Orange cosplay gang in there! ‘Cause kids are always talking about that cool movie, A Clockwork Orange!”
Man, I knew this show wasn’t “I, Claudius” or anything, but I never fully realized just how jaw-droppingly inept this show was until you started these videos, Phelan. No wonder my younger brother, who was a kid and a huge TMNT fan at the time, avoided Next Mutation like it was radioactive. When even the age-appropriate super fans won’t excuse an adaptation, you know it’s a trash dump.
And the show trying to pass Bonesteel off as a serious threatening villain even briefly at any point in this series is a bigger laugh than any of the actual jokes on this show.
One question that was never addressed in the episode is: How was Michelangelo, who in this series is established as being dumber than a bag of rocks, able to create and launch a pirated radio station? This guy couldn’t find his head with both hands!
Forgot to add this part: Donatello is the tech turtle, if anybody should have doing the pirated radio shtick, it should’ve been him. But sure, just give everything to the fan favorite character, even if it’s completely out of character for them.