Taking a look at the BetaCam format and the difference between it and BetaMax.
Also the betacam machine and how often it likes to mess up!

Taking a look at the BetaCam format and the difference between it and BetaMax.
Also the betacam machine and how often it likes to mess up!
3 Comments Comments RSS
Wow, this is oddly nostalgia for me.
I worked with those for years in video production. Betacam SP really was the professional video format for a long-long time. As someone that grew up as a kid recording and renting VHS and listening to audio tape before CDs, I just assumed tape was a garbage as a format. I was wrong.
Speaking of audio, that production house had an old Fisher Reel-to-Reel collecting dust that made a great conversation piece, but thankfully by the time I was working audio was being stored on CD or digital audio files on our editing machine hard drives.
But those Betacam SP tapes lasted a lot longer than audio tape because of the quality image, cameras were a lot more expensive to replace or upgrade, and optical storage like DVD wasn’t a viable recording format in the days leading up to fully Digital video capture formats.
It’s always neat to see odd bits of hardware like this, so this was definitely a fun video. It reminds me of the video editing hardware I used to use in high school, although all our stuff was Hi-8.
This video makes me glad that we have mostly moved away from cassettes as a storage medium…..