In 1985, the Hoff took on a time travelling Jack the Ripper at the London Bridge in Arizona. Look, it’s a lot. We had to go to AZ to unpack it all.

In 1985, the Hoff took on a time travelling Jack the Ripper at the London Bridge in Arizona. Look, it’s a lot. We had to go to AZ to unpack it all.
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A new Movie Nights, covering a Hasslehoff movie about a time-traveling Jack the Ripper and it’s a collab with Sunny Jim of The Isle Rangoon? SOLD!
Aw, that puppet is so cute. Ironically, the captcha asked for bridges.
Consider giving the channel/show he’s on, The Isle of Rangoon, a watch. The 2 guys behind it, Greg Sepelak and Trent Troop, are really funny.
David Hasselhoff’s cop shot a kid and had to go to Arizona? So – it was a promotion, then?