Ernest goes snowboarding! Corey Haim and Brigitte Nielsen also like paychecks. Kaylyn and I check out possibly the worst comedy we’ve ever seen.

Ernest goes snowboarding! Corey Haim and Brigitte Nielsen also like paychecks. Kaylyn and I check out possibly the worst comedy we’ve ever seen.
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How dare you mispronounce Jim Flaherty’s name… Checks Wikipedia wait he’s American (born in Pittsburgh now living in LA)… I’m shocked I only know him from very Canadian stuff…
Anyway, you should watch SCTV a fun Canadian sketch comedy show from the late 70s, early 80s with lots of Joe Flaherty (and many other talented actors), it is funny…
The guy from Due South is Paul Gross and he is Canadian. I have actually seen Aspen Extreme, a loong time ago. I don’t remember it being bad or good so probably meh which would make it better than Snowboard Academy. Checking wikipedia again it is actually an American movie…
Well I obviously meant Joe Flaherty oops. Also just to be clear tag that first sentence with tags, emojis or what have you for sarcasm….
Jim Varney is funny when he has good direction and writing, without it he’s barely entertaining and boring. He had a Saturday Morning show where he did a lot of improv physical comedy and dressing as different characters (like an old woman with a neck brace I remember) it was like this: bad puns and mugging the camera.
It didn’t last long.
The show was called “Hey Vern, It’s Earnest!” and I think it only ran for one season(1988 according to the internets)…I totally forgot or flushed it from my mind for decades.
You can find clips on Youtube, it’s like a bad acid trip. – Maybe a future topic for a video?
You guys look like sisters.